february 365 project leftovers | 365 Project

2015-02-28T19:18:34-06:00February 28th, 2015|365 Project - 2015, Homeschool, Jonah, Jude, Maggie, Our dog, Taryn, Ty|

Well, I’ve made it 2 months!  I’m counting that as an accomplishment worth celebrating!  Last month I posted all my favorite leftovers that didn’t make it in to the 365 and thought I’d do that for February too.  Every day life, their memories.  Lots of reading, a month visit from my mom, practicing music, lots of Bible study, Valentines Daddy Daughter Dance, Jude’s birthday, a new tetherball, even more reading, naps, lots of Legos, devotionals, Taryn is planning to write a book, lots of school work, and a field trip to Pioneer Farms.  It was a good month.



2011-08-05T17:21:49-05:00August 5th, 2011|Maggie, My Family, Our dog|

I finally caught her in the act.  She’s been opening doors for a few months and it freaks me out every.single.time.  Mostly because we have an alarm and it makes it beep alerting me one of the doors has been opened.  My heart jumps because it means one of the kids went outside unattended without me know or someone (or now somedog) came in.  Of course I quickly realize it’s her simply because she storms inside like an F5 tornado, there is no mistaking the presence of The Beast.  She’s smart.  Really smart.  That’s becoming a blessing and a curse.  I swear she understands everything we say and feel.  I shot […]

spontaneous moments are the best….

2011-05-10T18:09:51-05:00May 10th, 2011|Maggie, My Family, Our dog|

We had new non-toxic flooring put in the little kids room yesterday (finally!  after months of research and ordering and reactions and reordering and and and…..).  I decided to take advantage of an empty room with great light this afternoon because I really wanted to take an updated photo of Maggie.  She’s grown so much.  When I was done, I was just sitting, talking to Duder and playing with Maggie.  I started to chimp through the photos on my camera when I looked up and this happened….

God, I love ’em.

10 on Tuesday

2011-05-10T15:24:32-05:00May 10th, 2011|Maggie, My Family, Our dog|

1.  I swear I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth.  I’m here.  Working away.  Feeding my family healthy (and time consuming) food, finding a new level of health not only for my children, but also, finally, for myself (also very time consuming) and appreciating all the support and love my family has thrown my way.

2.  On Mother’s Day.  I woke up to Teagan standing at our bedroom door yelling “How I got all wet?!  Why I all wet?!”  It was a little accusing.  His diaper leaked and the poor kid was wet up to his chin.  I think he was a bit paranoid since every now and then we’ll sneak in to the bathroom while Ty is showering […]

Maggie & T

2011-03-31T19:09:55-05:00March 31st, 2011|Maggie, Our dog|

I’ve had this post open on my blog for days….I seem to be behind on everything as we’ve had a few long days for a variety of reasons.  So I’m finally going to hit publish and then go tackle my insane inbox….

My girls.  We tried this when Maggie was “on” and in full on puppy play mode and it just was not working!  Funny, but not working.  So we waited until she fell asleep and then tried again.  Worked like a charm even if she does appear a bit groggy.  Taryn is in love with these.  She’s in love with Maggie and is so very smitten with her.  Taryn is a big reason we decided to get another dog…she’s our […]


2011-03-29T10:21:04-05:00March 29th, 2011|Maggie, My Family, Our dog|

It’s a good thing she’s cute.

Oh my word does this dog chew on every.stinkin.thing!  She’s a chewing machine.  We have chew toys for her but she is mischief through and through.  She’s a blast though too.  I was thinking of all the things she’s gotten in to just since Saturday and I’m pretty sure it would be easier to list the things she hasn’t chewed on….sigh.  Right now her favorites are Jason’s robe in the morning.  It totally cracks me up to see him all groggy meandering through the house with the puppy attached to the bottom of his rob in full on playful attack mode.  He just keeps meandering and […]

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