1. I swear I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth. I’m here. Working away. Feeding my family healthy (and time consuming) food, finding a new level of health not only for my children, but also, finally, for myself (also very time consuming) and appreciating all the support and love my family has thrown my way.
2. On Mother’s Day. I woke up to Teagan standing at our bedroom door yelling “How I got all wet?! Why I all wet?!” It was a little accusing. His diaper leaked and the poor kid was wet up to his chin. I think he was a bit paranoid since every now and then we’ll sneak in to the bathroom while Ty is showering and dump cold ice water over the curtain rod. Taryn and Teagan think this is hilarious. Ty does not. It brings back awesome memories of my childhood. My step-dad is a pretty quiet and reserved guy but every now and then while my mom was showering I’d see him with a big cup of ice water trudging up the stairs laughing under this breath. Then I’d hear a high pitched scream, at least one curse word and then down he’d come cracking up laughing even harder. Good times. I sure did miss my mom on Mother’s Day.
3. My one Mother’s Day wish was to have a photo of me and the kids together. It has been a really long time since one was taken. The group photo was a fail (5 letters, starts with T, ends with N and has blonde hair on top) but Jase did so great and caught some wonderful shots that I know I’ll treasure forever. This makes my heart smile so big I can barely take it.
4. My mom crinkles her nose just like I do. It always reminds me of her when I see it. My girl and I are planning a trip to NOLA in a few weeks to visit my mom. A girls weekend away, just us. I absolutely cannot wait. I miss traveling so very much, but it just isn’t possible with Teagan. Even with just Taryn it will be a challenge with her food allergies but I think we can do it. I’m going to give it my best shot….I miss my mom something fierce. I never dreamed when we moved here that we wouldn’t be able to travel as a family anymore. Hard, very hard. It makes this trip for girls all the more sweet though too.
5. Teagan’s new favorite phrase is “Why Come?” Love it.
6. I am totally humbled that over 30 people applied for the position open with birthphotographers.com. So many very qualified people, I predict having a hard time choosing just the right person. Soon, very soon! This is such an exciting time for birthphotographers.com.
7. I’ve totally fallen off my one frame a day wagon. I’m sad about it. I do have a few photos to post. Man I did so good for awhile. And then I was forced to address some health issues and my days got full and long the camera and every day moments got lost. I hope to return to it soon and forgive myself in the process.
8. Duder has been doing really great. He’s healthier than ever right now and it has been so amazing to watch. I’m so very proud of him and all of his progress.
9. I have been an entire month without any sugar at all. No carbs, no dairy, no gluten, no processed foods, no red meat, no fruit. Organic veggies, chicken, fish, eggs. lentils and rice and that is about it. I thought it would be hell to eat like this, but it hasn’t been that bad. It really hasn’t. The food has been the easy part. I’ll explain more on my personal blog soon. That photo up there, that is the first time in years I haven’t touched up a double chin on myself in a photo. 53 lbs lost in the last 11 months and still making progress each day.
10. Maggie is big. I caught some adorable photos of Maggie and Teagan today, I just need time to proof them. Huge, I tell ya.
This picture is the definition of love!
Love that shot! Thanks for the update- so much good news. Congrats on the weight loss- you look fabulous. Can’t wait to see more gorgeous photos. Have a great trip to NOLA.
First of all Lyndsay, I’m SO proud of you for your determined journey toward health for your family…and especially for YOU. Good on you girl. Good on you.
Second, do forgive yourself on the POTD thing. When I go back and make my books every year I always realize how much I don’t care about the days that I missed. And how much I cherish the days that I did. Even though some books have entire months missing, I don’t care. Give yourself space from the camera when you need it and repost when you can. Don’t give up!
I have missed “10 on Tuesday” sooo much! Absolutely cannot wait til our Girl’s Weekend in New Orleans!
LOVE the picture – you look awesome. I’ve been a lurker for some time here. I can’t wait to hear more about the diet.
So proud of you Lyndsay and you look fantastic. So glad for the update on what’s been going with you… Happy Belated Mother’s Day! You are truly an inspiration.
Lyndsay, it is great to read your 10 on Tuesday – I have missed it – but totally understand! Your picture – it is priceless. I love the comment about the crinkle nose – and how your mom’s does it too! I can’t wait to hear about your trip to NOLA with your girl – that is going to be a trip to truly treasure! I too have been a whole month with out any sugar, carbs, dairy, glueten, proccessed foods, red meat or fruit. I have to say I have had a bit of a hard time with it…just from the time to prepare everything…plus make another meal for everyone else. I would love to talk with you more about what all you have made. I am hoping to stay as close to a clean diet as possible going forward and get the family on it too 🙂 Congrats on your journey and your success in these 11 months – that rocks!
It’s good to see you on the other side of the camera. You look great, woman!! Healthy living agrees with you. 🙂
Glad you’re getting back on the blog-wagon. You’re my inspiration to get back on my own wagon.
You look absolutely fabulous!! I can tell you have lost a lot of weight just by looking at your skinny face. I am totally inspired by your healthy eating and feeding your family healthy.
What a gorgeous picture of you and T, you look great!!
I love that photo of you gorgeous! I am new to your blog, but loving it already! What exactly is 10 on Tuesday though, I am a little confused. 🙂