10 | austin family photographer

2010-04-04T18:22:52-05:00April 4th, 2010|Craft Projects, My Family|

1.  I tried hard to pretend today that we weren’t preparing for surgery for our baby on the second Easter in a row.  It got to me, no matter how much I tried not to let it.  Having children with health problems is hard.  And those problems don’t go away on holidays.  Teagan’s surgery this week will be one year to the day of his surgery last year.

2.  We did manage to do a few fun things with the kids, we died eggs, did an egg hunt in the front yard and we made our annual bunny cake…..I used to make this with my mom when I was a little girl…..

Ty […]

10 on Tuesday | Austin Lifestyle Photographer Lyndsay Stradtner

2010-03-17T00:15:19-05:00March 17th, 2010|My Family|

1.  Bad news first?  Teagan’s ear drum burst Sunday night.  Through the tube.  He started complaining around bath time when it was time to put his ear plugs in.  By the time his bath was over he was a screaming mess.  He’s not a complainer (sounds like a good thing but it really is not, it’s hard to tell when something is going wrong when he doesn’t complain).  We called our pedi who ok’d some ear drops and we gave him some motrin and put him to bed.  He woke up constantly until around midnight when he walked into our room with a smile and a “hey”….uhm, ok?!  Ear oozing, ear tube sitting just inside his earlobe.  UGH.  That hurts, […]

10 on Tuesday | Austin Family Photographer

2010-03-09T14:44:08-06:00March 9th, 2010|Austin Photographer, My Family|

1.  Our babies came to us easily.  For that we are lucky and blessed.  And, thankfully, ignorant when it comes to infertility.  We were ignorant.  Our friends Lee Ann and Dennis are fighting infertility.  Fighting a long fight, a roller coaster of emotions at every high and low.  I never truly understood….I mean I thought I knew a thing or two about what those who battle infertility go through, but I didn’t.  Not really.  Lee Ann and Dennis are amazing.  And strong.  And open.  I know it must be so difficult to be so open about something so painful, but they do it.  Jason and I have learned a lot from them reading their blog and I […]

10 on Tuesday | Austin Photographer

2010-03-02T22:49:52-06:00March 2nd, 2010|My Family, Our House|

1.  10 on Tuesday = late, but hey, that’s just how this week is rolling.

2.  We bought a new to us car minivan Monday night.  I never ever ever ever ever ever thought I’d see the day that my husband would own a minivan.  But that day is here and dare I say whisper ::::he loves it too::::  It makes sense for our family.

3.  I think it’s pretty funny that instead of a “Swaggerwagon”, Jase calls ours a “Slackerwagon”.

4.  Taryn, however, calls it “The TV Car”.   The first time she got in it she was giddy with a side of evil laugh.

5.  Speaking of Little T…..Becky came over and watched my monkeys while I was off […]

10 on Tuesday | austin photographer

2010-02-02T23:11:57-06:00February 2nd, 2010|Austin Photographer, My Family|

1.  Hitting Tuesday just under the wire, it is 11:30 pm here.

2.  I had oral surgery yesterday, again, and I hurt.  Seems like the second day is always worse than the first.

3.  I’m taking the kids to the mall tomorrow.  Wish me luck.  I’m on the hunt for an outfit for Teagan for his birthday pics.  And for once I’m not taking them!  Who-Rah!  Kerri Mathis is coming up from Houston to take them and I’m so excited to meet her!  Anyone care to join me in some blog stalking next week?

4.  My husband, who doesn’t blog, read this blog or leave comments very often, left one here that made me tear up.  It’s really crazy to read […]

Life in Motion Photography: 10 on Tuesday | Austin Photographer

2010-01-12T07:35:36-06:00January 12th, 2010|My Family|

I’ve been hiding out, working like a crazy person to get caught up and try to mark off about a million things on my todo list for this month.  I’m working on a lot of back end stuff for our business and it means I’m struggling with work/family balance (again).   The 3 am bedtimes over the last week have gotten to me.  Poking my head out to do a quick 10 on Tuesday…..

1.  I was going through some client files last night proofing and came across a bunch of personal photos that were on the same card I’d totally forgot where there.  Sometimes, if I am early to a session or have a few extra minutes, I’ll stop along the […]

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