1. 10 on Tuesday = late, but hey, that’s just how this week is rolling.
2. We bought a new to us car minivan Monday night. I never ever ever ever ever ever thought I’d see the day that my husband would own a minivan. But that day is here and dare I say whisper ::::he loves it too:::: It makes sense for our family.
3. I think it’s pretty funny that instead of a “Swaggerwagon”, Jase calls ours a “Slackerwagon”.
4. Taryn, however, calls it “The TV Car”. The first time she got in it she was giddy with a side of evil laugh.
5. Speaking of Little T…..Becky came over and watched my monkeys while I was off photographing a birth, thanks for swooping in to save the day Beck! My kids absolutely love “a-becky” days! I’m always a little nervous when we leave Taryn, you just never know what she’s going to say or do. There is almost always something cringe worthy. Word on the street is she was quite entertaining. Just remember Beck, only about half of what she says is true. Yeah, yeah, we’ll go with that….
6. Poor Becky, my house was TRASHED when I called her today….B.A.D. With the car buying stuff and our stupid dishwasher broken, it looks like this:
Just keeping it real here folks. Anyone want to post a pic of their mess and share it to help me feel better?
7. Now that you’ve seen my horrid kitchen disaster, I really should be cleaning it. Especially since I rock/paper/scissored having to go to the grocery store with Jase at 11 pm and won! Hmmmm, maybe I didn’t “win”….he’s out driving the slackerwagon and I’m stuck at home with a mountain of dishes. Ok, technically I’m ignoring said mountain and slacking by blogging instead….but whatever.
8. #7 makes me realize our new vehicle is appropriately named. My husband is brilliant.
9. MC went dark for lent. I miss her. She is a stronger woman than I. But I bet her house is clean. How many days until Easter?
10. Instead of 10 on Tuesday, I should be blogging sessions and pics of the kids and a ton of other things, I have lots to come share!
Oh Girl…how about I show you a picture of my laundry? you would feel so good about your dish pile 🙂 I love reading your blog! xoxo
Oh Lyndsay, I am just about upload some pics I took of our house a couple of days ago (so I can show my parents just how MUCH work needs to be done on it)…I might share a couple so you can see the squalor that we are living in…will put your “mess” to shame! 🙂
Your blog always makes me smile!! Would love to show you images of my laundry room (how many times can I run to gapkids to buy clean socks for the kids in a month??!), but I’m very busy avoiding my own work and cruising facebook!!! Congrats on the minivan!!
I did 10 loads of laundry over the weekend. Between a 3 year old a 1 year old, 2 cats and a dog I am ready to go INSANE. Sometimes I wish the house would burn down so we could start over. Messy houses set the mood and it usually isn’t a good one. 🙂 You are not alone!
I could post a picture of our garage that would scare the living daylights out of you!!! LOL!
Too funny! We have a Honda Odyssey, our second one. And it works for us. Even if it’s uncool we still love it. 🙂 as far as the mess, I have no words. LOL!
What picture app is that? Me likey. 🙂
holy goodness great dishwashers think alike, my house looks exactly the same my friggin dishwasher decided it hated me yesterday! what’s wrong with yours, maybe ours are talking, ha! maybe a solenoid or maybe a new one for us who knows, ugh!
One Taryn-ism from yesterday: I spread Camy’s blanket out in the play room for her to roll around on (and to guard your rug from her spit up).. Taryn thought it made an awesome stage and danced her little heart out. Teagan was a bit shy with the dancing, and Taryn whispered to him “Don’t worry Little Guy, I’ll be right here with you. The whole time. C’mon!” And he danced! :::love:::
Uploading pics of our master bedroom.. its sickening how messy it is right now. I should be embarrassed, but whatev.
Here ya go:
Beck, yet another reason why you are the best nanny EVER!!!!!
I would take a picture of my toilet that needs to be cleaned but really, you don’t want to see that.
MC’s house must be spotless bc she has a LOT more free time now. 😉
And finally, I love the honesty/ great pics that make up your blog.