1.  I tried hard to pretend today that we weren’t preparing for surgery for our baby on the second Easter in a row.  It got to me, no matter how much I tried not to let it.  Having children with health problems is hard.  And those problems don’t go away on holidays.  Teagan’s surgery this week will be one year to the day of his surgery last year.

2.  We did manage to do a few fun things with the kids, we died eggs, did an egg hunt in the front yard and we made our annual bunny cake…..I used to make this with my mom when I was a little girl…..

Ty did the ears and eyes, Taryn the nose and “smile” and Teagan handled ((and I do mean handled)) the bowtie.

3.  I also made these for the kids (plus one extra for a care package I’m putting together for a client).  Idea from Martha Stewart, made out of an envelope!  Super easy and I already had everything on hand.  Hers are way cuter so check them out!

4.  I really want a set of these.  Total mac geek.  I like the mail one.  But I’d need it to have an appropriate number in the red dot like 87 or something LOL!

5.  I really, really need to do this.  Before summer, and the 1 million activities, arrive.

6.  I ordered this to hang in our hallway.  I love it so much….

I’d love to proof the rest of the photos I took of my family that night at sunset, I just need to find the time!

7.  One of my girl on her way out the door to her class easter egg hunt at school last week….

8.  And here is one of Ty I took a few weeks ago…..this is ::cough cough:: before.  As in, before his very first (two) zits arrived.  Ah, those hormones are kicking in but he’s been a good sport about it and even named them LOL!

9.  How is my baby old enough to have zits?  I’m baffled.

10.  I feel like I have a million other things to blog about but can’t think of them.  I’m tired and a bit cranky just thinking about the week coming our way.  I’ll be around tomorrow afternoon working and tying up a few loose ends, sending out a few galleries.  I have a mini tomorrow evening and then I am off work for a week to focus on my little man….