Overheard: funny things my 4 year old says

2021-05-13T22:02:03-05:00May 13th, 2021|My Family, Zachary|

I love sharing little things I overhear in our family.  When Taryn was little she used to say “yesternight” for last night and “knee pit” for the area behind your knees.  Jude once told me he loved the song “Get Lucky” because it was about playing the lottery.  Jonah….he’s said so many funny things through the years, like the time he imitated his sister reacting to a bug at only 2 years old.

Zachary keeps us laughing too.  So much so that I started a note on my phone with all the funny things he says.  I thought it’d be best to document that here with the rest of our life….

Probably […]

10 on Tuesday

2021-05-11T17:06:23-05:00May 11th, 2021|My Family, Jude, RV Life, Taryn, Zachary|

Ready for a good old 10 on Tuesday?!  Let’s go….

1.  RV shopping has been completely overwhelming.  There are the usual challenges of deciding on a layout, making sure we don’t go over budget, etc.  Then even finding RVs to tour – it feels like a full time job all on its own.  No matter what, sacrifices are made in order to live small.  Prioritizing of those sacrifices for our individual family is a lot to figure out.

2.  Jason has been working a ton.  His longest day was 16 hours last Friday.  Between work, RV shopping and school with the kids, we haven’t been doing much else.  I’m ready for some adventure!

3.  I’ve barely picked up my camera lately.  Noticing a […]

Slide Races

2021-05-04T23:38:07-05:00May 4th, 2021|My Family, Jason, Jonah, RV Life, Zachary|

Zachary is obsessed with playgrounds and absolutely loves moving and seeing a new one to explore.  This one didn’t disappoint!  We usually only travel on weekends these days we are moving to a new campground tomorrow.  While Z is excited for a new playground, the rest of us are excited that we are touring yet another RV (this one isn’t sold yet!) on Thursday.  I still can’t believe I found this exact model in stock nearby.  Fingers crossed we love it!

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