Goodpops morning and night

2021-06-06T21:42:38-05:00June 6th, 2021|My Family, Jonah, RV Life, Zachary|

This morning when I got up I immediately noticed that Jonah looked really tired.  My mommy radar was going off and I asked if he was ok and resting well.  After a few minutes of asking him I got a confession out of Z.  These two have been getting up at 5 am to sneak a popsicle the last few mornings.  I’m glad they are bonding as new bunkmates but definitely not onboard with their new routine.  Evening popsicles though, I’m all in!  We love Goodpops!


2021-06-01T20:22:20-05:00June 1st, 2021|My Family, Jason, RV Life, Zachary|

These two had a day of fun all on their own at Diggerland in New Jersey! The other kids have all had adventure days with just one parent and it was finally Z’s turn. He’s been pro-mommy lately to the extreme so a day of bonding is just what these two needed. And they had a blast! Jason filmed yesterday and I can’t wait to edit the video. When they got home last night Z immediately ran over to the big kids with big hugs and yelled “I’M BACK! I MISSED YOU!” 🥰

the last time

2021-05-30T11:20:40-05:00May 30th, 2021|My Family, Lyndsay, Zachary|

There are moments in motherhood when something happens for the last time and you know it’s the last time.  There are also moments when something happens for the last time and it just slips away, with no announcement or realization.  Like the last time your little one holds your hand when you cross the street, or calls you mommy instead of mom.  It just changes with no warning and you don’t know it’s the last in that moment.  Big kid things just slip in, quiet, unannounced, subtle little changes.  Sometimes, I am not sure which scenario is the most brutal in motherhood.  Probably because they both are?  Tonight, as we put Z […]

Steel Pier, Atlantic City

2021-05-25T08:27:33-05:00May 25th, 2021|My Family, Jonah, Jude, RV Life, Taryn, Zachary|

We tried.  We tried to love Atlantic City.  But it was rough, y’all.  I can honestly say it’s one of the few places we’ve been in the last 3 plus years that we did not feel safe.  We quickly rode the wheel at the Steel Pier and left.  Thankfully, we have other areas of New Jersey to explore during our stay – come on Jersey – help us love you!

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