10 on Tuesday

2010-10-11T23:10:11-05:00October 11th, 2010|My Family|

1.  I woke up to a rude awakening of toddlers yelling directly into the monitor over who called who stupid at 5:03 am.  Maybe room sharing was a total dream…..sigh.  For the record, it was the duder.  We’re working on ridding his vocabulary of the word “doo-pid” and it makes me crazy.  I don’t like that word at all.  It went something like this:

Taryn:  MAAAAAWWWWM!  Teagan called me stupid!!
Teagan:  No I didn’t!
Taryn:  Yes you did Teagan!
Teagan:  No I didn’t!  Doo-Pid.

5:03 am.  Sigh.

2.  I made homemade, from scratch, banana bread on Monday with the kids only to leave it in the oven too long and burn it.  It smelled soooooo good.  And it was in the shape of little pumpkins.  […]

sleep over

2010-10-10T20:00:41-05:00October 10th, 2010|Austin Photographer, My Family|

These two have been inseperable here lately.  I love it.  It makes my mommy heart sing.  We’ve earned that the hard way.  Taryn genuinely wants to be with him all the time, play with him, love him.  I can’t blame her one bit.  Anyway, these two have been asking for weeks if they could have a “sleep over” together.  Tonight turned out to be the perfect night for it…no school tomorrow, I don’t have a session at the crack of dawn, no one has to get up early (although they probably still will…sigh) and Ty is staying the night with a buddy which means they won’t wake him up if […]

my girl

2010-10-09T12:03:04-05:00October 9th, 2010|My Family|

I had the morning off today and since the kids woke up pre crack of dawn (yuck!), I decided to take T out for a little sunrise session.  I desperately wanted to photograph her in front of the purple flowers again that show up in our neighborhood every fall.  But last year, she was just so sick.  We were dealing with bout after bout of strep and couldn’t keep her well, not to mention the fact that she broke her arm.  She had surgery to remove her adenoids and tonsils along with a lot of scar tissue last mid-October and it took weeks for her to recover.  Fall was tough.  But this fall, this fall, we are embracing […]

10 on Tuesday on: a secret, parenting advice from a toddler & getting busted

2010-09-21T10:52:41-05:00September 21st, 2010|My Family|

1.  Tuesday is now officially the busiest day of the week at our house.  I think I’ll start calling it “this day is going to kick my butt Tuesday” for short.  Up early, big kids off to school, music class with the duder, trip to People Rx, home for lunch, quick nap for Teagan (I almost always have to wake him up, bummer), leave for carpool to pick up Taryn, back home to fix a quick early dinner and then back out to go watch Ty play football.  Then home again, way past the little kids bedtime, spend an hour doing bath, pj’s, supplements and medications, put the little kids down, fix lunches and THEN, it’s time for me to […]

T vs. Kinder = Knock Out

2011-01-10T22:16:53-06:00September 17th, 2010|Funny Places Taryn Sleeps, My Family|

Kindergarten is tough people.

Not for the weak.

I was trucking along down the aisle when I noticed a few people giving me strange looks.  I stopped and looked in the basket.  Her feet were up and out on either side of the basket, head propped on my purse, sound asleep.  I tucked her feet in and moved on….

Totally out of focus iphone pic taken in the middle of Target today.  Just had to document yet another one of her funny sleep moments (and here and here).  I’m making a book out of them, I decided.

speaking of belated holidays….

2010-09-15T07:04:33-05:00September 15th, 2010|Austin Photographer, Craft Projects, My Family|

Grandparents day was last weekend and we totally slacked.  I’d love to say that we sent thoughtful cards and picked up the phone and honored the wonderful grandparents that our kids have….but, we didn’t.  We forgot.  But Taryn’s teacher didn’t and the kids drew a photo of their grandparents in class.  When we found this in her folder it was an instant favorite and Jase and I cracked up.  First, note the purple shoes….I’m fairly certain I’ve never seen Grandma or Grandpa in purple shoes.  No, make that absolutely certain.  Especially Grandpa.  Although I would like to.  Grandma is on the right, and I can assure you that she is not a hairy lady at all, and she is much […]

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