10…back to school edition

2010-08-26T21:13:13-05:00August 26th, 2010|Austin Photographer, My Family, Uncategorized|

Man it has been awhile since I posted a 10 on Tuesday.  It’s not Tuesday, but I’m awake and have half of my wits about me so here we go….

1.  Kindergarten & 7th grade:

Could they be any taller?!?!  Time flies.  Be sure you click that link, it’s worth it just for the laugh.  It gets me every.single.year.

2.  As the first week of school is about to come to a close, I have more stories and one liners from Taryn than I can wrap my mind around.  Her first day went really well.  She was really nervous, but also very excited that morning.  All 5 of us actually managed to get […]

kindergarten eve

2010-08-22T20:08:04-05:00August 22nd, 2010|My Family|

Dear Taryn,

Tomorrow morning, we will wake you up early with a smile and I know you’ll be your usually grumpy self until you really wake up.  You’ll scowl your signature scowl, stretch and then voice a random complaint, likely the last thing you thought of before going to bed or something you dreamed about.  It will be random and it will make me smile.  I’ll give you a long hung and you’ll curl up in my arms and snuggle on my lap, your head on my chest with your long legs dangling down to the floor.  You’ll tell me again how mad you are that we won’t let you ride the […]

sleeping beauty

2011-01-10T22:15:59-06:00August 19th, 2010|Funny Places Taryn Sleeps, My Family|

i found her like this in the middle of the day awhile back.  i’d forgotten i’d even taken these, i’m so glad i did.  it was like a quick glimpse into my heart of the baby and toddler she once was, instead of the tall, funny, sassy little girl I now see with my eyes.  my girl loves some crazy sleep.  gosh i love that about her.

T minus…seven days and counting…

2010-08-16T00:42:33-05:00August 16th, 2010|My Family|

kindergarten.  it’s happening.  whether we are ready or not.  she meets her teacher on thursday.  school starts next monday.  during orientation last week she made her daddy go with her for the kids tour while i stayed behind in the parents meeting with teagan.  5 minutes in, she told him she was ok on her own and took off with the rest of the kids.  she’s looking forward to lunch time.  and the playground.  and computer lab.  and the library.  she’s relieved the group of kindergarten teachers knew what criss-cross-apple-sauce was.   she’s worried about the noisy toilets.  and fire drills.  she’s mad we won’t let her ride the bus.  and she […]

So. I’m here.

2010-08-14T23:20:10-05:00August 14th, 2010|My Family, Uncategorized|

I’ve stared at the little blinking cursor for a couple of days and I’m not sure what to say.  So I guess I’ll just type for a bit and see what comes out.  Maybe I’ll leave it up for a few days and see if it feels right before hitting publish.  I’m sure it will ramble….

I know I’m long overdue for an update.  Teagan has been very sick, he’s been through what feels like a living hell the last few months.  I cannot imagine anything worse than watching our child suffer.  While I’m not ready to go into specifics or exactly what Teagan is dealing with, it has been a long road filled with […]

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