Lyndsay Stradtner2023-09-24T15:04:10-05:00September 24th, 2023|365 Project - 2023, 365 Projects, Jonah, My Family, National Parks, RV Life, Zachary|

Adventure. It’s been 11 months since we have been in a national park. 8 months since my injury and our life of adventure came to a painful screeching halt. RV life comes with sacrifice and the adventure makes it all worth it. This year we’ve had the hard parts without the rewards. We’ve actually been to Cape Cod 5 times and have never made it the full length of the cape. It was our goal this spring but Z broke his arm. We are back again and were determined to make the trek. I wasn’t sure I could make it as planned today, so I was super thankful I woke up to […]