Our Camping Trip

2014-05-21T15:18:02-05:00May 21st, 2014|Jonah, Jude, Maggie, My Family, Taryn, Ty|

My best memories growing up in Oregon revolve around going camping as a child with my dad, and also, my grandparents.  I love everything about it.  So when my mom suggested that instead of our usual girls trip to New Orleans over memorial day, we hunt for a cabin in the woods and take the whole family camping instead, I jumped on it.  It’s hard for our family of six to travel.  We had to give it up for awhile as when we’d travel after Jude’s vaccine injury, he’d regress, have demyelination and various chemical sensitivity reactions.  We’ve tried a few small trips within driving distance in the last year and he’s done amazingly well.  We haven’t taken the whole […]

my four | leander bluebonnet photography

2014-05-03T16:17:07-05:00April 26th, 2014|Austin Photographer, Jonah, Jude, My Family, Taryn, Ty|


I got brave and decided to venture out and take my own kids to frolic in the bluebonnets and capture them.  The light was so pretty, all warm and glowing.  And they did awesome.  It reminded me that I need to take them out for photos together more often.  I’ve been seriously slacking in that department, relying on my iphone and Samsung 300nx (which I looooove btw).  Life is busy.  Jonah is uber busy lol.  They were awfully good to me this night.  The first photo, is just so them, their personalities embodied.  And the last one WILL be big in my house somewhere.  […]

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