10 on Tuesday

2020-02-04T13:29:06-06:00February 4th, 2020|My Family, Jude, Our dog, Pepper, Zachary|

1. Last week was completely bonkers. Every single day had 5 or more things going on. Good things, new opportunities, new SEO clients for Seriously SEO, multiple job interviews for Jason and more. This week is so much more quiet and we feel like we can breathe a little easier. I’m not sure how we got through last week but we did it!

2. This week is a big one for Liz (she bought IAPBP from us last June). She launched the new birthphotographers.com website today and it looks AMAZING! Such a huge and much needed improvement! It’s so amazing that we get to watch IAPBP receive all the love and attention it deserves. And […]

365: Dog vs Toddler

2020-01-10T23:25:26-06:00January 8th, 2020|365 Projects, 366 - 2020, Maggie, My Family, Our dog, Zachary|

Her most favorite thing in the world is her bowl.  It’s her lovey.  She carries that darn thing everywhere and has since she was a puppy.  The other day she walked past Zachary and hit him really hard in the head with her tail.  He was frustrated with her, it really hurts, her tail is vicious.  He took her bowl out of her mouth and put it on the other side of his lap out of her reach.  She immediately got up, walked all the way around the island, through the kitchen, to the other side to get her bowl.  Z spotted her, took the bowl again, got up, marched over […]

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