Remember this?
I love the wordle site but wished I could print a great big one at full resolution for my house (we have it printed and it is gorgeous, but haven’t hung it up yet). I am working on one for my friends nursery and I thought I’d come back and share the template. So here is the deal….
- Should work in all versions of photoshop, created in CS4.
- Consists of an unflattened .psd file. Each word is its own layer.
- Sized big at 15×30 and 300 dpi, but you can easily resize it for printing purposes. Leave the dpi at 300 though for best results.
- Just change the words to your own. You can also change the colors to match your home or studio (how cool would this be in a studio with photography words on it?!)
- If you want to use this exact font, you’ll need to download it for free here. If you don’t, photoshop will give you a quick error and then automatically replace it with a font already on your computer.
- You cannot sell or share this template as your own, but you are more than welcome to link to this blog post if you think others would like to download this template as well.
Click here to download. Enjoy!
You amaze me with your continuous generosity Lyndsay especially given recent events. Thank you for inspiring me with your creativity and integrity on a daily basis.
You are simply the best! My kids have been asking me to print their worldles, and I kept thinking I need to do it. You saved me all the work. BIG thanks from my kids and me!
What an awesome share. Especially in light of what’s happened to you. Thank you for your incredible generosity!
Thank you so much!!! I love it!
Thanks so much! I love it! You are a beautiful person, inside and out-I appreciate all you share with your blog readers! I’m glad you are still posting here, but I totally know how you feel.
You are simply amazing! Thank you for all that you share. Despite all of those who don’t play fair, you continue to give of yourself. Your talent is YOURS and nobody can steal that from you no matter how hard they try. Never. Keep being you! Oh, and thanks for the post today…you never cease to amaze me. Thank you from all of us who you inspire and continue to help grow as creative individuals. Nothing but good Kharma is heading your way!!! Everything goes full circle…trust in that.
This is SO cute! I tried to do something like this for our bedroom but it was nowhere near this cute! Thanks so much for your generosity!
Thank you for sharing!!! you are my favorite Texas photographer! I would love to sign up to come take photography lessons from you! I am not a professional just a professional Mom. Soooo if you ever decide to hold a workshop I would be the first to sign up!
I would love to see the finished product that you ordered! I can’t wait to do this! Thanks so much for sharing! (Yes, I am a longtime lurker) 🙂
Thank you!
THANK you for sharing this – you have a very generous heart! I love your style and your work is amazing.
ditto on what heather said!
You share. You inspire. You rock.
and you’re infectious. What I mean is that, your “wordle template share post” encouraged me to share something on my blog today. Just cause.
In light of everything you’re still generous and giving and that is what makes you amazing 😉
Thank you so much. I have been wanting to do one of these. I already had all my words written down so I just replaced some of yours with mine. Have not printed it yet, but can’t wait. Thanks again for sharing!
I’ve been quietly following your blog since finding you through Pinkletoes, and I just felt the need to post and say how kind you are to post this. I LOVE words and I had just told someone what a cool thing you’d made (the word collage) and now you’re giving all of us readers an opportunity to make one too!
Thank you for your kindness!
wow! Thank you so much for sharing this! I’ve got the perfect place in my house for one with our names.. (My husband might think I’m weird if I put up your names. hehehehe.)
Lyndsay you’re the best!!!!! Thanks for sharing this. 🙂
This is awesome- tfs!
Thanks chickie! I loved this from when I first saw it on your blog. I didn’t get to comment on your earlier post about all the trouble you’ve been having with those stealer copycat people, but I just want to say this: Karma, baby! They will get what they deserve! Although, it bites and I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with the crap.
How cool of you to share this Lyndsay! Thanks so much!
Thank you so much for sharing this! I love it and would love to make one with our family’s words! You are such an inspiration and I really appreciate your generosity!!!!! Thank you!
Thank you!
seriously…soooo very generous!!! I love this and can’t wait to print a big one! not sure where, why…waiting for inspiration to hit, but it will!!
Thanks again!
I did one similar for Mother’s Day cards. Thanks for sharing your font ideas. You are truly generous in this time for hurt and frustration with fellow photographers.
thank you! so much!
Thank you! I have been wanting to make one of these for Joshua’s room but have not had the time to sit down and do it. So, thanks, you are awesome!
Thanks so much for sharing!
You ROCK lyndsay =) Thanks, I’ve been working on wordle for one for my Macy Grace, but was having a hard time figuring out how I would print very big, this, my friend, solves the problem =) xx
I made a comment yesterday regarding this post and your generosity. I just wanted you to know that within the past 24 hours, we have had a family friend phone with horrible news that someone we know and love has ended up in the intensive care unit with some very devastating health issues. She is scheduled to be in that hospital bed for at least the next 3 months. So…what do I do, hop on your blog, download that Wordle and our friends and family have come together to print this off for her hospital room (we’re talking a full blown banner from Kinkos). Everybody collectively came up with words and it was a perfect way to bring us all together and do something for her. Just wanted you to know that YOUR GENEROSITY is helping brighten somebody else’s life today. Thank you for doing this!
Thanks! I wanted to try one of my own but had no idea how to start. I thought I might do one at the end of every year and highlight the places or people or events we did. And then I could use it as a title page in a book. I’m a scrapbooker can you tell? Thanks again, very generous of you!
I love to Wordle. What a great idea to print one for the home. THANK YOU for creating the template. WAY NICE!!!
Wow, thanks so much! I started one in photoshop when I saw your earlier post but never got around to finishing it…this will come in handy!
Thank you for sharing! I can’t wait to start working on one for my family!
AWESOME!! And i’m just curious, how big is “big” when you say that you ordered it big. I”m just trying to picture it in my mind and it sounds cool!
Soooooooooo very sweet of you to share this! I can’t wait to see yours framed and hung!
Thank you thank you thank you SO MUCH for sharing this!!! Your creativity and generosity are overwhelming!! Can’t wait to see yours hung up in your house!
I would LOVE to see your finished product. Where dig you get it printed at and what frame did you use?? Thank you so much for sharing this template! You rock!
thanks for sharing this…i’m a big lurker and just love your blog. How would you resize for printing? Thanks, Maria
I love this!! Thanks for sharing. I can’t wait to work on one for my family!
This is wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing!!
Thank you for sharing this! It will be fun to play around with and would make a great gift. 🙂
Thanks! This is great. I enlarged this, modified it for our family, and had it made into a 56″ wide vinyl wall decal. Here is a pic: . It is hanging on the wall in our foyer.
thanks soooo much, i love it.
Can’t wait to try this out!
Thank you so much for sharing this,… i love it. How do I change the words or color though?
Love your idea and this template..Thank You!!!
This is awesome. Thank you so much!!