I thought several times about posting here today and just felt blah about it. I hate that. This is my place. To document my life, my children, my work. I don’t ever want to feel blah about that. I am thankful for all the comments and support, I honestly didn’t have any idea how it would all go down putting it all out there. So thank you. Hopefully it will send a message, but overall, it makes me sad that I feel more protective and have the urge to pull in the reins some. Yet here I am. This blog is mine. And if I want to post, I will. If people don’t play nice, I’ll password protect it if necessary. As for protecting the images here and on my blog, yes, I do know how. Jase is a computer programmer and actually did an awesome tutorial for photographers on a private forum I’m on teaching how to protect your images online and right click disable. Honestly, I’ve been lazy with it and didn’t implement it into my own workflow. I need to read the tutorial again, but quite honestly, it wouldn’t have stopped most of the thieves in the incidents posted below.
In the meantime, I could really use a smile. So here ya go, our ‘other’ baby….
Her signature head tilt. Love her. So much. I loved her the moment I met her. Most people do. She and Jase were a package deal and I can still remember in those early days as we were becoming friends how when I would knock on his door, she’d come running and thrust her head under my hand and look up at me just waiting for me to love on her. She’s suuuuuuuper camera shy. I am not a pet photographer but Taryn and I set out to get some shots of her last weekend. It took way too many treats, but we did it. And I’m so glad, because even though she still acts like a puppy, she’s getting older, and I know she won’t be around forever. I’ll share more of her soon, but I have a backlog of sessions to proof first. And Taryn wants me to tell you, this is HER DOG. Not Daddy’s dog, HER DOG. Kylie loves Taryn right back, even though she is single handedly responsible for almost all of those grey little hairs. Better you than me Kylie.
Is Kylie missing me? I would be happy to send her some hot dogs or steak bones to let her know that I am missing her! Can’t wait to see the pics of Kylie and Taryn together!
NEVER apologize for doing what’s right, whether its for you, your family or your business… my dad always told me that and I live by it religiously… My business is a very small one but I have been dealing with the same thing, I had a client that was taking photos OFF my site and putting them on her myspace, and when I confronted her about it… she DENIED it! Then when she knew she was caught, she said… oh its the ones I bought and scanned….then played stupid about the law AND the form she signed saying she wouldn’t copy, scan or reproduce the images!! I have since blown her off… believe me if you call em out on it in public( I didn’t give names, but it worked) they will STOP!!
At least my clients did…
Anyway, I am just wanted to let you know and I am sure you know this, that you are not alone in this problem, it is at epidemic volume here… hang in there and keep callin em out!!
Oh Kylie is precious. I love animals, dogs espeically. Look at those eyes, they are amazing!
Is that a little girl in a pink dress I see in Kylie’s eyes? I guess Taryn really is the ‘apple of her eye’. Great picture.
Oh my gosh! I just LOVE the head tilt! Very cute dog and wonderful picture! Thank you for sharing!!!
that is the cutest dog evah!!!! and when i do a session with someone and they have a pet, i make sure to take the picture of the animal, even if they don’t want me to because someday, they will wish they had a nice pic of their pet. you’re the best L!!!
so this is what your blah feeling was about yesterday.
I’m so sorry.
We actually talked about you at GNO. Several of my girlfriends follow your blog and we discussed how violated you must feel.
It was quite a debate. Some wanted you to out the copiers, but mostly we were in awe of how well you stated you case.
So so sweet.
Love it! More pictures of Kylie!! 🙂
I’m glad you overcame the blahs- I missed 10 on Tuesday. It’s great to see a pic of Kylie. You haven’t said too much about her since the skunk attack. For those of us who love and enjoy your blog, please keep it up!
Hey, Kylie!! Yay for doggies!
SEE – I knew you could take awesome photos of your dog. Can’t wait to see the rest. Hey… I would still love to shoot some pictures for you though. Let’s figure something out… doesn’t have to be a shoot exchange, maybe something else? Take care!
I’m a brand new very-much-learning photographer in the Dallas area. I don’t know you at all but so appreciate all of your honesty and “real life” truth that makes its way to these blog posts. Makes me feel like I know you and can learn from you, even in areas that have nothing to do with a camera 🙂 Keep on keepin’ on it sounds like you have a fabulous support system and an even better family. Thank you for still posting even when you feel “blah” (and even being honest about your feeling! ha!) In my opinon this is the beauty of art, anyway.
What a precious baby! If you ever get sick of her send her my way!