just cause | austin photographer

2009-02-22T20:46:17-06:00February 22nd, 2009|My Family|

I have been trying to give my new camera (it is a 5D Mark II for those that asked) a good workout with each of my lenses just to make sure there aren’t any issues with it and that I am 100% happy with it.  I pulled out the macro this week to play a little and thought I would come share a few.  I am not a macro photographer, I say that often, mostly because I cannot stand using a tripod and well, it is windy here.  Two big things working against me, but here are a few I liked….

glowing | austin maternity photographer

2009-02-04T19:12:08-06:00February 4th, 2009|Client Work|

I got to meet up with the cutest little family for a maternity session tonight.  I have been doing so many early morning sessions lately, it was such a treat to get to play with the gorgeous evening light….and doesn’t she look gorgeous!?  I can’t wait to meet their new little one in just a few weeks!

the winners! | austin commercial photographer

2009-02-03T16:19:22-06:00February 3rd, 2009|Announcements|

thanks to all those who entered.  i used www.random.org to pick the winners.  congrats to the four of you, i hope you like your cards!  drop me an email at lstradtner at mac dot com with your address and i’ll get them to you right away!

the winners are:

#3  Brandi   –  The cards are too cute! I would love to have them!

#61  Crystal Brewer   –  I would love a set of those cards!

#97  Laurie   –  Just catching up with your blog now. I had no idea your photos were purchased. thats awesome. LOVE the kitchen picture. congrats.

#57  Susan LeBlanc   –  They came out so great! I hope I get one!!

On a side note:  […]

perfect | austin baby photographer

2009-01-31T12:07:09-06:00January 31st, 2009|Client Work|

Six month olds are one of my absolute favorite ages to photograph.  They are always so happy, but not yet mobile enough to get away from me.  I love that it doesn’t take much to get eye contact and this age is soooo expressive, a photographer’s dream!  I’ve always said that if you are going to splurge on custom portraits of your child, there is no better time than as a newborn (before 14 days) and at 6 months (sitting well but not fully crawling).  It’s a small window on both accounts, but so, so worth it!!!!

And this little miss was no exception!  It was a little cold this morning, but she was a champ, is she cute or what?!?!  […]

10 on Tuesday | austin photographer

2009-01-26T23:32:58-06:00January 26th, 2009|My Family|

1.  Now that I’m working again, I have grown to dread Mondays.  Mondays I wake up to a messy house, clothes everywhere, dishes everywhere, just a mess that is the result of mom being gone all weekend long.  It takes all week to recover and then it happens all over again.  Am I the only one that feels like it takes me all week long to recover from the weekend?  I don’t think I’ve felt like that since college lol.

2.  Taryn has learned the art of schmoozing.  Exhibit A:

T:  Mommy, you are so pretty.
Me:  Awww, than–
T:  Can I have some milk?


After handing her some applesauce out of the fridge….
T:  Mommy, you are a genius!!
Me:  […]

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