1. Now that I’m working again, I have grown to dread Mondays. Mondays I wake up to a messy house, clothes everywhere, dishes everywhere, just a mess that is the result of mom being gone all weekend long. It takes all week to recover and then it happens all over again. Am I the only one that feels like it takes me all week long to recover from the weekend? I don’t think I’ve felt like that since college lol.
2. Taryn has learned the art of schmoozing. Exhibit A:
T: Mommy, you are so pretty.
Me: Awww, than–
T: Can I have some milk?
After handing her some applesauce out of the fridge….
T: Mommy, you are a genius!!
Me: Oh, do you thin–
T: Can I have some chocolate pie too?
3. If you know me well, you will be shocked and amazed by #3 this week.
I am soooo not a play-doh mom. Just the idea of it makes me all nervous and flustered. I never, not once, let Ty play with play-doh. Yeah, I’m a cruddy mom. It’s been so bad that when my children would receive it as a gift, I had no qualms about throwing it out before it even entered our front door. I have to tell you, that even though it is actually in our house and our child is playing with it, it still makes me crazy. I do better if I play with it with her….I did the heart. But honestly, all I can think about is it getting all over the floor, in the carpet, hard little pieces all over the house, on the bottom of our shoes, in someones hair, in someones teeth. Yes, I’m a freak. I had to distract myself by playing with my camera to make it through the last 20 minutes.
4. A play-doh confession: Every . Single . Day I worry about it being our turn to bring play-doh to Taryn’s pre-k class. Every . Single . Day. The parents take turns every few weeks. I think it’s alphabetical because we haven’t had our turn yet. I’m dreading it. Horribly. It’s one thing to face my freakish fear of play-doh by bringing it in the house for the kids to play with. It’s another thing to make it. I don’t want them to know I can make it. I’ll then never have an out. I’ll never be able to say “they don’t make it anymore” or “the store ran out of it”. I still don’t know what I’m going to do when it’s our turn to make and bring in the play-doh, but I work through different ways of getting out of it in my mind every . single . day. Told you I’m a freak.
5. Taryn’s favorite new response to anything is “a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do” with sass. Taryn, please finish your dinner…..”a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do”…..Taryn, stop pestering Ty…..”a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do” LOL I have no clue where she got that.
6. Homework helper. Ty usually gets home before Teagan wakes up from his nap, so each day he goes in to get him. Teagan gives him a kiss after Ty lifts him out of his crib, then he rocks with me for a few minutes in the living room to wake up. Eventually he’ll climb down and head over to the dining room to hang out with Ty, play under the table and help him with his homework.
7. I love taking Ty to subway. Without fail, every single time we go, he asks for “Herb” bread. As in the name “Herb”….not the spice. So, so funny.
8. Evening routine…..waiting on daddy.
9. I got gorgeous stuff in the mail today – gorgeous. Three coffee table books. I’ll take pics and share soon!
10. 2 weeks and counting….how do you like the swingin’ drool?? I think he was thinking about all the cake he’s going to get to eat throw at his party 😉
Happy Tuesday everyone!
I L-O-V-E Tuesdays!
I can relate. Mondays after working on the weekends bite. Play-doh is horrid.
Mondays are the same at my house, and I don’t have the energy or motivation to do much about it until Wednesday. By Friday it’s clean and straight, then it’s destroyed on the weekend again!
Your play-doh fear is pretty funny, and Taryn’s “a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do” motto is HILARIOUS!!!!
i love those last 2 shots 🙂
AAAAAAKKKK, I love that birthday boy hat!!!!
P.S. play doh and I were never friends growing up for the same reasons you feel that way about play doh too.. my poor babies may never know what play doh is {and I’m secretly fine with that}.
I have been a play-doh hater for a long long time as well. As a child I hated playing with it (and anything else that was messy). The smell of it makes me sick. Now that I’m doing an internship with preschoolers though I can’t avoid the play-doh so I’ve just given in and I play with it now but always wash my hands immediately afterward. I know I won’t let my own kids play with it!
love em these are all so wonderful, love the photojournalist style them, and that last shot with the birthday hat and drool too cute
seriously- i am a playdoh making superstar. i learned it in my girl scout days. lemme know when your week comes up and i’ll hook ya up. your kids will never know!
Ty should move to New Zealand where they say “Herb”. I get grief ALL the time for saying “erb” and “erbal tea”! (I’ve been lurking for a while now and adore your photos. You are so skilled.)
I HATE…hate hate HATE play-doh. We don’t own any. I can’t stand the smell of it. It makes me gag. Cam gets to play with it at my parents house, my sisters house, or daycare. I just can’t do it. I’m just like you Lyndsay.
I’m totally with you on the play doh thing. Prior to children, I thought play doh was grand. I remember wanting all those play doh accessories when I was a girl. The scissors, the growing hair guys, etc. I now *completely* understand the real reason I never had any of it. Now I say, “I pay for him/her to go to preschool. They can clean it up.” I’m not going to deal with it unless it’s summer time and they are in the driveway. Those are my rules. A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do, ya know?!