thanks to all those who entered. i used to pick the winners. congrats to the four of you, i hope you like your cards! drop me an email at lstradtner at mac dot com with your address and i’ll get them to you right away!
the winners are:
#3 Brandi – The cards are too cute! I would love to have them!
#61 Crystal Brewer – I would love a set of those cards!
#97 Laurie – Just catching up with your blog now. I had no idea your photos were purchased. thats awesome. LOVE the kitchen picture. congrats.
#57 Susan LeBlanc – They came out so great! I hope I get one!!
On a side note: I’ve realized that if you want to know who is reading your blog and / or lurking….all ya gotta do is give something away 😉 Thanks for playing guys, come out more often, I don’t bite!
Hey Lynds, where can we buy those at…I so need to get some 🙂
heather my mom already put in a plug for you. and this is a quote “you BETTER send heather some!” 😉 Gee Gee has got your back!
Oh yeah! Gotta love the Gee Gee!
I’d love to know where they are, do you have an idea of what stores might be carrying them? Congrats to all the lucky winners
yeah! i never win anything. can’t wait to get ’em. I emailed you my address but have changed email address, so in case my msg to you went to a junk mail folder, heres the new addy. thanks!