thanks to all those who entered.  i used to pick the winners.  congrats to the four of you, i hope you like your cards!  drop me an email at lstradtner at mac dot com with your address and i’ll get them to you right away!

the winners are:

#3  Brandi   –  The cards are too cute! I would love to have them!

#61  Crystal Brewer   –  I would love a set of those cards!

#97  Laurie   –  Just catching up with your blog now. I had no idea your photos were purchased. thats awesome. LOVE the kitchen picture. congrats.

#57  Susan LeBlanc   –  They came out so great! I hope I get one!!

On a side note:  I’ve realized that if you want to know who is reading your blog and / or lurking….all ya gotta do is give something away 😉  Thanks for playing guys, come out more often, I don’t bite!