365 Project: That Quarantine Life

2020-05-10T15:13:06-05:00April 14th, 2020|365 Projects, 366 - 2020, My Family, RV Life|

Captain’s Log Quarantine Day #7638: We are all losing our minds up in here. Patience is gone. Snacks are gone. Someone bought my 3 year old a toy that makes noise. Kids haven’t left the house in I don’t even know how many weeks and I feel that every second of every day with every cell in my body. In an attempt to regain any sanity, I’ve planned to take them for a drive later. The best part will be strapping the 3 and 7 year old in. We wrote out a scavenger hunt of things to look for. They added “poop” and I DO NOT EVEN CARE. I will scavenger hunt […]

365 Project: Bird Rescue

2020-05-10T15:01:44-05:00April 10th, 2020|365 Projects, 366 - 2020, Jonah, Jude, My Family, RV Life, Taryn, Zachary|


My bird nerds rescued some babies. There are multiple nests in my moms yard and they noticed the parents of these chics stopped coming to the nest. We believe the mother was eaten by a hawk living one tree over and the dad stopped coming shortly thereafter. We waited and watched and they weren’t doing well at all when the kids intervened. Taryn and Jude have nursed then back to health in all the right ways (I wouldn’t even know what to do). They do in a way that’s best for the the birds, I’m so impressed by them. Jude feeds them every 20 […]

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