Y’all are totally cracking me up with your giveaway entries! Oh man, I can’t even pick out favorites, too many laughs today! Keep those entries coming until Friday! If you visit on google reader, head on over and read the comments, worth the extra click, promise! And yay for all the lurkers coming out of hiding.
A quick photo of little T. I tricked her into this shot. My 5DMII went in to Canon for a little TLC and I got it back this morning. I coerced Little T into a few test shots for me, bedhead and all. She was thrilled with this idea, can’t ya tell?
I hope T feels better soon….only 2 more days til Gee Gee arrives~ I sure am looking forward to spending Mother’s Day with my daughter (oh, and the rest of the family, too!)
Ummm…. I believe that you and 5d are friends again! This is absolutely beautiful, but who is that grown up looking GIRL in this picture?? Those eyes and that gorgeous pouty lip– you’re in trouble, dear. 🙂
love seeing that 1 eye POP 🙂 very nice. looks like the 5d is rocking.
Oh I LOVE this shot of her!!!! Awesome!! What a beauty….bedhead and all!
I’m curious what type of problem you were having w/ your 5dII. I’ve read another blog who had to send theirs in to Canon too, and I’m having issues w/ mine (when I try to play back my images, sometimes my lcd shuts off and it makes a weird noise). Picture is great though..my daughter is not always a willing participant either. 🙂
Hahah…’your berry sneaky’ Shes a cutie! YAY FOR THE LURKERS!
I adore this shot! It deserves to be printed big.
LOVE LOVE LOVE her expression!
I saw this picture on your FB page yesterday, and seeing it again on your blog this morning confirms my original thoughts. I love every image you take and share on your blog, but I honestly think this is the best ever. Maybe it’s because of the “realness” of it, maybe it’s because of your adorable subject, maybe it’s because I can almost read her thoughts… 🙂 It’s just beautiful.
I Love it, your right, she looks so happy to be your model once again! I just love these expressions and I think I would have been cracking up behind the camera….
I think her hair is super cute – are you growing out her bangs? She looks so old all of a sudden.
I just added a comment to the previous post about my little girls and I forgot to ad a link to a picture of them! I don’t want to make another comment there because I know we are only supposed to have one comment, so I figured I would leave it here because you will still see it! http://justice-photography.blogspot.com/2009/04/my-girls.html 😀
I absolutely adore this photo. She looks so grown up and so gorgeous here. Jason is going to be beating the guys off with a stick when she gets a little older…
So was your MII in trouble after all? I don’t remember seeing a post on your stream. I know you were having focus issues when you first got it and what did they say =) Just curious. Can you tell the difference…Sorry so many questions =)
Love her…. this pic is SO HER!!!!
Sigh. Your girl is gorgeous and I don’t know how you do it…always getting such awesome shots of your kiddos!