I was trying to take a photo of Taryn’s birthday sign, but Maggie stole the show. No one tell her it’s time to adult. We love that she still acts like a puppy at the ripe old age of 12.
ps – I have decided to go for trying another 365 project while attempting to recover from bilateral adhesive capsilitis. It’ll be filled with more every day life in the RV, less travel destinations and I am offering myself a ton of flexabilty and grace to pick up the camera when it’s healthy to do so.
pps – Our mantel is filled with travel treasures we love so much. Shells from the Pacific and Atlantic, an arrowhead from Utah, a sand dollar from Oregon, petrified wood from Arizona, coral from North Carolina, sea glass from the great lakes, crystals from Washington, Sedona and Virginia and a photo of the kids and their best friends praying.
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