kindergarten. it’s happening. whether we are ready or not. she meets her teacher on thursday. school starts next monday. during orientation last week she made her daddy go with her for the kids tour while i stayed behind in the parents meeting with teagan. 5 minutes in, she told him she was ok on her own and took off with the rest of the kids. she’s looking forward to lunch time. and the playground. and computer lab. and the library. she’s relieved the group of kindergarten teachers knew what criss-cross-apple-sauce was. she’s worried about the noisy toilets. and fire drills. she’s mad we won’t let her ride the bus. and she wants to wear purple from head to toe on the first day. it’s really happening.
T minus…seven days and counting…
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Wow! Girls. They are too funny. The picture is priceless. Praying for you all. Carrie
I’m so jealous that you’ve already had orientation and an earlier Meet the Teacher thing scheduled than we have. Our Meet the Teacher isn’t until the day before school, and I’d definitely like her to have more than one day to prepare herself for school ~ my girl likes mulling these things over!
Best of luck sending Taryn to Kinder – more stressful than I imagined!
Good luck to Taryn! I am sure she will love it. So funny about the “noisy toilets” Abby also hates them.
Abby is so jealous of so many of her friends her age starting Kinder, she is itching to start school. Too bad she was born in October, so we have another year.
I love the perspective of this shot. I also adore your new pic at the top. Wow Kindergarten! Taryn is about to school everyone. hehe! Hope Ty enjoys 7th grade; with everything else going on in your lives, it is good that he is going into the ‘comfortable’ grade, where middle school is no longer intimidating. Wishing you and your family well. Take Care!
I absolutely love this picture. Her dress, the cart, and the black and white give it a timeless feel, yet her height, the backpack styles, and the prices are sure to change and “date” this photograph a few years from now.
just dropped bailey off… she was the only kid i noticed who teared up but she was SO strong and only wiped her eyes a few times. of course i was a wreck and thanked God for sunglasses! I still can’t talk about it out loud without crying. i’m SO excited for her but am just sad to close this chapter you know? three under three seems like a lifetime ago!
I’ve been following your blog for several years now. I can’t believe your little girl is already headed to kindergarten. I’m sure it’s bittersweet!
Can’t believe she’s that old already! Our little guy has a late birthday so I get another year which is good, I’m not ready for him to be a “grown-up” kid! 🙂
I love that photo!
That picture is too cute! And kindergarten is happening to us too. Scary, huh? How do they get so darn big so fast? I am happy and sad all at the same time.
I hope Taryn’s kindergarten experience has gone well; when I looked at your photo I laughed; my six year old has the same dress and a similar haircut; that photo could have been made of my child. Hopeing Taryn loves kindergarten and your family continues to find peace —