Rounded Corners

2008-06-21T17:44:32-05:00June 21st, 2008|Uncategorized|

I love rounded corners and I finally got around to creating a little photoshop action…. A couple of things to note: Full versions of PS only, sorry elements users. Your image must be sized at 8×12 (or 12×8) before you run the action for it to work properly. Two actions are included, one for horizontal images and one for vertical. You can download them for free HERE. Enjoy! Oh, and that dude up there, he did great on his first solo flight to New Orleans last night.  Even if his momma did have a slight panic attack after he walked away (tight chest, difficulty breathing, you know the drill).  Being a momma is tough, especially when you have to let […]


2008-06-12T11:22:22-05:00June 12th, 2008|Uncategorized|

Last night Ty and I scarfed down our dinner and then ran out the door to catch the last little bit of sunlight.  We decided to go down to the river run, I’ve wanted to see how difficult this was to get to since we moved, and it was amazingly easy.  I could easily get Taryn down there too.  She’d love the little waterfalls and watching the fish swim.  But it was nice for it to be just the two of us and he had a blast splashing around in the water, exploring and just being an 11 year old kid… I am so glad we have these photos, as I think they are very reflective of his age and […]

Four Months Old

2008-06-11T02:58:37-05:00June 11th, 2008|Uncategorized|

Already. He’s my sweet little man.  The drooler, the blower of bubbles, the mohawk sporting, big belly laughing at everyone except Ty, little man. Piggies are such fascinating little things…

A few things you need to know if you’re gonna live in Texas.

2008-06-06T10:57:44-05:00June 6th, 2008|Client Work|

Queso is considered a food group. "Howdy" means "Hi, how are ya?" and usually includes a nod of the head.  Go ahead, try it out, bet you can’t do it without the nod. And cowboy hats….well….they’re big here.  But, its windy….so you best hold on to hat…. A few other favorites… when you are 18 months old, smelling pretty flowers includes puckering =) And since I haven’t shared an entire session in quite a while, and because I love them all, CLICK HERE.  Lily is one amazing little girl, I just adore her and we are so lucky to have such wonderful friends in her parents! ps – I’ll be posting about Ty’s birthday tomorrow, then I’ll sit down and […]

Quote of the Day

2008-06-04T23:49:33-05:00June 4th, 2008|Uncategorized|

While baking cookies this morning…. Taryn:  Mommy, can I eat this?  ((pointing to cookie dough))Me:  No, T, we have to cook it first.Taryn:  Just one little taste?Me:  Nope.Taryn:  I just want to lick it Mommy?Me:  Nope, we have to cook it first.Taryn:  Mommy, I want to tell you sumthinMe:  What’s that?Taryn:  Mommy, I want to be by myself with these cookies. HAHA!  Not even kid, but nice try!! I noticed the pretty light outside before dinner was ready.  I told myself that if it was still that pretty after we ate, I’d go out for a few shots.  We missed the best of it, the light was just dancing off the tall grass in the field down the street, so […]

ask me anything

2008-06-04T17:49:55-05:00June 4th, 2008|Uncategorized|

Ok, so I thought I would post this thread, even though it feels a little silly to me.  I get a ton of emails with lots of different questions, everything you can imagine, personal, business, photography related, you name it.  I’m embarrassed to admit that I presently have 499 messages in my inbox (it was 852 until I cleaned some out last night).  I’m even more embarrassed to admit that there are quite a few of those messages with questions that I’ve not replied to.  I have good intentions, I really do.  I open them and then promise myself I’ll go back when I have two free hands (which is kind of rare around here) so that I can quickly […]

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