house drama

2007-10-04T21:12:34-05:00October 4th, 2007|Uncategorized|

We’ve been dealing with all kinds of stress and drama regarding the sale of our home.  No fun.  At all.  We think we have things worked out with the buyers, we hope.  We should know more soon.  I won’t go into all the gory details, well, because it’s just way too long and twisted.  But it looks like our closing has been pushed back a week, we think.  Thankfully, our builder in Austin was willing to work with us on the closing date and we didn’t lose the new house or our kickin interest rate.  This will give us an extra week to spend time with our family here, to finish packing and for Jason to secure a job there, […]


2007-09-27T21:12:28-05:00September 27th, 2007|Uncategorized|

Totally overwhelmed. How 4 people, who had not much more than the clothes on their backs 2 years ago can have soooooo much stuff, is beyond me.  The house is slowly turning into a wonderland of boxes, tape, markers, bubble wrap and wide open spaces perfect for playing ball and riding trikes.  12 days and counting. No new job yet for Jase.  Three interviews, but no news.  Living apart until things fall into place will be hard, so, so hard.

mission accomplished

2007-09-04T21:04:13-05:00September 4th, 2007|Uncategorized|

Those are the first two words that popped into my mind when I woke up this morning.  Mission Accomplished. We’ve spent the last 4 days in Austin and we bought a house! Thrilled, totally thrilled! On the last night of our last day there after seeing wayyyyy too many houses. So relieved! Jason and I couldn’t agree on any house until we saw this one. We both fell in love with it immediately.  Four bedrooms and perfect for us in every way.  It met every wish on our list… I think my favorite part is that it backs to a greenbelt that can’t be built on so it has a great view with no back neighbors. We decided to go […]

two years

2007-08-29T20:28:07-05:00August 29th, 2007|Uncategorized|

Katrina.  Two years.  I couldn’t really face it today.  I avoided the news and the radio.  I just didn’t feel like facing it.  I didn’t need to.  We’ve faced it every day for the last two years, so today can serve as a reminder for those who didn’t live it or for those who lost someone close to them.  Maybe it’s selfish, but I’m ready to move on.  And then when the house was quiet today I found my mind wandering and remembering what it felt like, that panic in my gut, watching a Category 5 storm barrel toward your loved ones and your home.  I still remember the look of panic and worry in my husbands eyes, I hope […]

a bunch o’ randomness

2007-08-25T11:19:35-05:00August 25th, 2007|Uncategorized|

1.  The big move.  I’ve been waiting to say anything about it until we told a few necessary people, first and foremost Jason’s employer (our families have known for awhile).  So where are we moving?  Austin, Texas!!  We are excited, nervous, anxious, just name an emotion and we’re there!  We’ve had a lot of time to think about it while rebuilding, we went for a visit earlier this year and loved it.  We’re closing on our house in Louisiana mid-October so we  should be in Texas by then.  I think it’s going to be a great place to raise our family, lots of young families, great neighborhoods, even better schools, tons of stuff to do.  We’ll be within driving distance […]

a bunch o’ randomness

2007-08-25T11:19:35-05:00August 25th, 2007|Uncategorized|

1.  The big move.  I’ve been waiting to say anything about it until we told a few necessary people, first and foremost Jason’s employer (our families have known for awhile).  So where are we moving?  Austin, Texas!!  We are excited, nervous, anxious, just name an emotion and we’re there!  We’ve had a lot of time to think about it while rebuilding, we went for a visit earlier this year and loved it.  We’re closing on our house in Louisiana mid-October so we  should be in Texas by then.  I think it’s going to be a great place to raise our family, lots of young families, great neighborhoods, even better schools, tons of stuff to do.  We’ll be within driving distance […]

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