You’d think I’d learn about that whole quiet toddler thing wouldn’t ya? He started with the table and chair and got busted before the body art got out of control. Happy Mother’s Day to me!
Lol…that is my 2 year old! She got a hold of a marker (thank God it wasn’t permanent!) and colored the kitchen counter, her arms and her legs. I just couldn’t argue with the look of happiness on her face and her exclamation, “I pretty!”. I hope yours was easy to clean:)
Lorena Mora
May 7, 2010 at 9:46 AM
How in the world did he get in the back of his thigh? I love how he is cleaning it though, my little one just turned 2 and has started writing on his body if he finds a pen or a marker, I blame grandpa he once drew a watch on his wrist and he thought it was hilarious so he tries to do it himself.
Danielle Nowell
May 7, 2010 at 10:12 AM
Maybe there was a memo sent out to 2 year olds as my son got ahold of a crayon and colored the entry way floor and a wall – and used the color blue too! I hope that everything cleaned up easily! Hope you have a great Mother’s Day weekend – may there will always be surprises 🙂
I think I would have cried. I so dont handle these situations well…and I certainly wouldnt think to photograph it, haha. Can I just ask how in the world you keep your Ikea stool so clean?!? Mine has gotten dingier and dingier and I cant get it clean :/
hahahaha….seriously though its way better than kids who cut their own hair…or at least thats what i keep telling myself when i scrubbing off any number of “stuff” off of one of the cheeks girls
What I want to know is how did he get it behind his leg? At least it is not on any of your appliances like my nephew did when he was that age.
Lol…that is my 2 year old! She got a hold of a marker (thank God it wasn’t permanent!) and colored the kitchen counter, her arms and her legs. I just couldn’t argue with the look of happiness on her face and her exclamation, “I pretty!”. I hope yours was easy to clean:)
How in the world did he get in the back of his thigh? I love how he is cleaning it though, my little one just turned 2 and has started writing on his body if he finds a pen or a marker, I blame grandpa he once drew a watch on his wrist and he thought it was hilarious so he tries to do it himself.
Maybe there was a memo sent out to 2 year olds as my son got ahold of a crayon and colored the entry way floor and a wall – and used the color blue too! I hope that everything cleaned up easily! Hope you have a great Mother’s Day weekend – may there will always be surprises 🙂
hate to say i totally laughed at this! 🙂 feel your pain!
At least it matches his shirt, right?? 🙂
This looks ALL too familiar – right down to the Buzz Lightyear shirt that my toddler would wear EVERY day if I let him.
I do love that you have him “cleaning up” with the Magic Eraser. i do the same thing.
Well that’s just cute. Silly boy 🙂
I think I would have cried. I so dont handle these situations well…and I certainly wouldnt think to photograph it, haha. Can I just ask how in the world you keep your Ikea stool so clean?!? Mine has gotten dingier and dingier and I cant get it clean :/
I have serious eyelash envy!
Oh, the diaper shot. It kills me.
hahahaha….seriously though its way better than kids who cut their own hair…or at least thats what i keep telling myself when i scrubbing off any number of “stuff” off of one of the cheeks girls