1. Dealing for Duchenne in Austin. Amazing. Very cool night. I feel so blessed to have been a part of it. At one point, Jase I were surrounded by Texas royalty, he turned and looked at me and said “how did weeee get heeeere?!” HA! Yes, a little surreal to say the least considering we’ve only been open here in Austin for under 2 years. A lot of money was raised for a very good cause. I will say, and this is difficult for me to admit, that I felt very proud when Timmy’s slideshow played for the crowd on the big screen. I get very nervous in big crowds in general, but when it comes to people viewing my work, I’m not sure why, but feelings of success are difficult for me to grasp. I put so much of myself into my images and get so attached to my clients, my work, that it feels a bit vulnerable to watch other people view it. Yes, I hide behind the computer quite a bit. I do all online proofing, so I rarely ‘see’ others looking at my work. And while there was a part of me that wanted to crawl out of my own skin at the thought, about midway through the slideshow presentation, I looked away from the screen and at the large audience. And I saw people crying. Women, grown men, my husband, tough football players, moved to tears by my take on Timmy’s story. It was a very proud moment for me that through images, people were able to connect. I’m honored to have had the chance to get to know the Revell family and tell a small part of their story. I hope the money raised helps Timmy and all the other boys with Duchenne. I don’t think I realized just how close they are to finding a cure. Very close. But they need help. And money. Every penny counts.
2. I know I’ve said this before, but if you are a photographer, give. Of yourself. Of your talent. Of your gift. It will change who you are and what you see in those you photograph every day in ways you could never imagine. It doesn’t have to be a large event or a big organization. Just find someone who needs you, needs photos, needs a smile. You won’t regret it.
3. There was a little bidding war on the silent auction item I donated (a full session with images). In the end, I decided that if both parties donated the funds for the final bid to Cure Duchenne that I would do them both, so two sessions it is! Thank you to both families for your donations, I can’t wait to do your sessions!!
4. Fun Ty facts about the evening: he wore cowboy boots for the first time in his life, he ate enough fruit kabobs to know the waiter by first name, he was tickled to no end that there was a rootbeer float bar, he was bummed he couldn’t bid on the Mack Brown signed football at the auction, he loved taking a photo with Bevo, he introduced himself to Ricky Williams, said kabob waiter introduced him to Quan Crosby, his eyes almost popped out of his head when Mack Brown looked at him AND smiled, I actually think he might have stopped breathing for a brief moment. Or 5. Yeah, he had a blast and didn’t stop talking the ENTIRE way home. I’m so glad he got to go with us.
5. Best moment of the night….right when we arrived there was quite the media circus outside the UT Golf Club. Tim and Laura were doing an interview and a family member was walking around with Timmy. As we approached, I heard Timmy say “Where are we going?…..What is over there?….Why???…..Where is the cannon?”….and I knew, I just knew what was coming out next before he even said it…..”Do I get to shoot it?!” LOL!
6. The second half of our weekend was filled with my mom and a little getaway to San Antonio. I love that city, it holds fond memories as Jason, Ty and I took one of our first trips together way back when. This trip, we surprised the kids with the news the day before we left, stayed on the Riverwalk (always amazing), ate yummy food and went to the Alamo. I loved watching Teagan at the Rainforest Cafe….hilarious as he pointed and exclaimed “I in a TREE, there a MONKEY over der!” The next morning we all hit the zoo and we all loved it. Taryn was in heaven, she’s such an animal lover. Teagan too. Their little legs must have walked for miles and miles. They each got a little disposable camera to take photos of their fave animals. Taryn loved it. Teagan kept looking through the view finder backwards so I’m pretty sure we have at least 23 photos of his eyeball. But he didn’t care. The butterfly exhibit was out of this world. Taryn loved the blue (azure a la fancy nancy) ones. They frolicked around and landed right on us.
7. More zoo pics coming soon. One day. Maybe. Yeah, who am I kidding, they will land in a folder and wait until I’m not busy. HA!
8. I FINALLY bought a new stroller today. I’ve been meaning to do it for months and just never did. We’ve been using the same uber cheap Chicco stroller that we bought right after hurricane katrina for almost 5 years. It was in bad shape to put it nicely. We have a double stroller that I use a lot but I also wanted an easy, single, lightweight stroller just for Teagan. I bought this one. Simple. Love it. So does Teagan. He was a happy little camper when we went for a walk tonight after dinner.
9. I need to buy Teagan another carseat too. I want to move his present one in to Jason’s car and get him a new one for the van. Mostly because I’m sure Jase is tired of moving the darn thing back and forth between vehicles, but also because now it’s not as comfy as it used to be and now that Teagan and Taryn are in the van and no longer right next to one another, he lost use of her cupholder. It makes him ca-razy to get anything on his blankie, crumbs, a little bit of a drink, anything. Sure, it can stink to high heaven, no biggie, but a crumb, forgetaboutit. Cause for freakout. Have a carseat (with cupholder) that you love? Feel free to plug it in the comments!
10. My mom went home today. I miss her. The kids miss her. Leaving is always so hard. On all of us. July is right around the corner, right?
Alright, enough jibber jabbering, I have to get back to work on this little beauty’s birth photos…..
I’m suffering some Stradtner withdrawal tonite. I love
being with the kids at bath time, story time and bed time.
What is sweeter than squealing little kids fresh from
the bath? And for the first time, Teagan got in on our
little slumber party in Taryn’s room and slept in a sleep-
ing bag on the floor. Missing you all so much tonite.
Oh I was wondering how the DFD night went…sounds like it was a HUGE success!! 🙂 I do have a carseat recommendation (with TWO cupholders, haha), but not sure you guys have it in the states 🙁
carseat rec: evenflo triumph advance. super easy to install, clean, and adjust. we like it better than our old britax marathon and it’s half the price. win.
Another carseat rec here…. Graco MyRide 65. Holds em to 65lbs, has a built in cup holder and is SUPER comfy. Not too bad of a price either (about $150)
We LOVE our Evenflo Triumph Advance LX and it comes with a cupholder!
Jayden has the Graco Nautilus http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3980774
I may be mistaken, but I think Taryn has that one? Well we love the Nautilus, not only b/c it will hold him until he’s 100lbs (at the rate he’s going he’ll be in his carseat when he graduates high school! J/K!!) but also b/c it has a great head rest for those car seat naps and the handles are a part of the seat, as opposed to being on the sides of the seat and taking up additional space on either side. The recline feature is a joke, but Jayden doesn’t have a problem napping without the seat reclined.
Ditto on the Graco Nautilus. It also has little cubbies inside the armrests so you can find hidden crumbs & cheerios months later 🙂
Do you have Timmy’s slideshow posted somewhere? I’d love to see it!
Great post! Number 1 totally made me tear up, so sweet and I’d definately love to see the slideshow too if you have it posted somewhere. Where on the Riverwalk did you stay? We’re actually going to SA this weekend for a cousin’s wedding but extending the trip for mother’s day and staying at the Westin on the Riverwalk. We’re also planning to take Ms Ava to the Zoo, I’m so excited. 🙂
Yes, you can see the slideshows here:
The first one linked is the one played at the event. Thanks for the comments!
Love the DFD recap. It sounds like an amazing event and I was so excited when I read they are getting close to a cure.
I love the story about Teagan in the Rainforest Cafe- I can’t wait to take my kids there!
I second/third/fourth whatever the Graco Natualis. We have two of them! I actually took our 5 yo out of her booster and put her back into a 5 point with this booster! LOVE THEM! I would buy another in a heartbeat. And the cup holder is the BEST Part. Along with the little cubbies they can put stuff it. It’s amazing what I find in there!
I’d 5th the graco nautilus 🙂 We have two of those in my husbands truck and it works great for my 22 month old and for my 4 year old. And then I have a britax marathon (no cup holder) for the boy in my van and a britax regent (no cup holder) for my daughter. I’m a car seat lover lol Also look at this site it will help you pick one that will last the longest as he grows http://www.carseatdata.org/cnt/resources/car-seat-measurements
Also a Graco Nautilus owner here:) Cupholder is a huge asset and I love the little cubbies on both side. Excellent for holding little toys that *have* to come with or for holding baggies of snacks.