I feel so blessed to have a mother who spent my childhood days loving me. She was always coming up with ways to be creative and it shaped who I am and what I do. Most important of all, she showed me how to be a loving mother. I hope I’m half the Gee Gee she is one day (a very, very long time from now). Thanks Mom.
Being a mom is more than I ever imagined it would be. It’s both exhilarating and exhausting, funny and somber, and every other emotion in between that God gave us. They make me laugh more than they make me cry. I’ve learned to forgive the lack of sleep and the constant worry that started the day those two little lines popped up. I’m happy it will never go away, the worry, because it means they are loved. And so am I. They love me like no other, but I love them more. They are crazy and fun and they make my heart swell constantly.
I also have the greatest professional job in the world. I witness love, mothers and children, women in the moment they become a mother….and it is amazing. So, so many beautiful moments this year. I hope I’ve captured them with integrity. Thank you to my clients for sharing your moments with me. Here are just a few of my favorites in a little slideshow:
[Photos of my family courtesy of Sara Lopez. If you have trouble viewing the embedded slideshow, click here to view full screen.]
Happy Mother’s Day!
just lovely. Happy mother’s day.
Absolutely BEA.U.TI.FUL!! I could not be more proud of the daughter you are and the Mother you have become! Thank you, Lynds, for bringing such joy (and beautiful grandchildren( into my life. You are the best daughter and MOM ever – far more than I feel I ever was; but thank you for sharing your memories. I struggled a lot during those years when you were young; being a single mom was really hard. But as long as you know you were loved that is what really counts. And being a loving Gee Gee is the most important and best job I ever had!! Happy Mother’s Day
A thoroughly enjoyable slideshow, filled with lots of my most favorite people! 😉 Happy Mother’s Day, L!!!
You’re amazing! Love the show.
Jane, you were (are) such an awesome mom! I have so many memories of you. I remember sleepovers at your house listening to country music (which I didn’t understand back then, but love now), watching Little House (again, didn’t get it back then, but love now), hanging out at your parent’s house and one of my favorite memories of all time…Lyndsay’s surprise party where you made the backyard into a huge spider web and Lyndsay and I almost fell down the steps because we were in our rollerskates! You taught me that you could be a working mom and still me an amazing one! I pray you have a fantastic Mother’s Day…you deserve it!
Beautiful!!! Happy Mother’s Day!
awww Lynds.. I’ve followed you for so long, and one of the things about your family that has striken me the most is your amazing relationship with the Gee Gee. I sense such a strong bond of love, support and laughs between you.. Every time you refer to her, even when it’s to make fun about something hysterical she’s done, your tone is so endearing, so loving.. The house lightens up when the Gee is in town.. it shows of what a great mother and grandmother she is…! and from this side of the web, you’re one fine mamma yourself!!
Happy Mother’s Day to one of my favorite photographer/blogger-mom’s. You seem like an outstanding person and your photography is amazing. Your silhouettes are breathtaking.
Happy Mother’s Day!!