She been tough to capture here lately. We go through waves of cooperation, we’re in a low. But, here she is none the less. 99.9% of the time she’s full of energy, imagination, spunky….my little spitfire. It’s an odd mix because she’s also shy and timid in new situations. Hides under the table when the doorbell rings. Fears loud noises. Looks just like her daddy. Lover of animals. And fruit snacks. And art projects. Asks to go to Seaworld, and Petsmart almost every day. Loves to help. She is learning to write her name, that thrills her. Loves her monkey scissors more than just about anything. Every time she uses them, she says “I miss GeeGee”….because GeeGee gave them to her. Loves making one brother laugh, and loves to torture the other. Asks for a cat Quiet moments are rare, but I’m thankful to have caught it.
just one
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Oh, I miss my sweet girl! Being away from her(and Ty and Teagan) makes my heart ache. I so wish I could spend the day with her like we used to do. We would go do “girl stuff”!
I just love reading random little tidbits about some of my favorite bloggers (and photographers!!)! Thanks so much for sharing! And YAY for Ty for reading Understanding Exposure! I have been told by MANY people that I must get that bood…maybe I should be on instead of blog surfing?!!
Hope you have a fabulous day!!!