Do you guys remember a few weeks ago that I had a local girl named Amy accompany me on a session to assist? She also took some great pics that day and did a great job as a second shooter, I’ll have to post some of them soon, she captured some good stuff. I’ve asked her if she wants to do another shoot with me later this month but yesterday her and her cutie patooty little boy Dylan came over for a photography playdate. It was so fun to sit around and talk about photography all day long, because let’s face it, unless you love it as much as we do, people get bored talking about it so much. I know my husband does anyway! It was really nice to just take some for fun, without worrying about the business end of things. And I loved having a little squishy baby in the house, Taryn was fascinated by him. Or should I say nosey, she was quiet and very nosey.

Here’s proof – LOL – funny girl. She wanted to get up on that table sooooo bad!


here are a few other favorites from yesterday…



my favorite – look at that face =)






ETA: I forgot to mention that I added some great new blogs I visit over to the left – check em out!! Inspiring stuff!