I am presently looking for a detail oriented person to assist me with Birthphotographers.com. This is a work from home opportunity. Duties can be completed at any time of day or night and can be completed either daily or weekly. I am looking for someone who is all of the following:
- Local
- Friendly
- Organized
- Reliable
- Proficient in Microsoft Excel
- Proficient with Google Docs
- Proficient with social media including Twitter and Facebook
- Using email and multiple signatures / attachments
- Familiar with WordPress
- Willing to run promotions and marketing campaigns
- Good grammar and writing skills
Please note, this position is not open to other photographers. If you would like to apply or to receive more information please email lstradtner@mac.com.
It’s really too bad I’m not the first item on the bullet list because I have the rest of the traits covered!
I know what you mean, Becky. Whoever snags the opportunity to work with Lyndsay is very lucky!