alright, so i just finished up proofing the last of the mini sessions and i had these in the same folder so I pulled them really quick. so fun! the first round of mini’s, I had a friend help me out both days, but when i had a few makeups due to busted lips, etc., i had ty go with me for those. he’s great at carrying stuff and making kids laugh most of the time (not on this particular day, but he did carry my stuff, so i can’t complain). plus, he was happy to get out of the house for a few hours, i think he gets bummed when i get to go off and do shoots all weekend and he’s stuck at home with the babies and dad (no offense babies and dad, but he’d rather be out shooting). we had a few minutes of downtime between sessions and below is what happens when photogs get bored. gosh i love this kid….
oh, my secret….I’m mean huh? Thursday…..check back Thursday 😛
Tell Ty the last shot is my favorite!! Climbing on….or sliding off….a plastic cow!!! I love that kid, too! Do you think he has enuf personality??????
ummm i hate surprises…can you just email me what it is?? yeah thanks 🙂 btw…photoboard is down and i don’t know what to do with my self!
That is a really cool storyboard; he looks like a fun guy! I am amazed at how much our sons are alike…they have that 11 year old tween look–they’re not big, but not small either. Our son Jake has glasses too!
Do we have to wait until Thursday?!
Love the pics, He looks a lot like you. Both my daughters looks like Daddy 🙁