Today was filled with family. A party, bbq, tons of smiles, lots of noise (no really, LOTS), swimming, water hose fights, games of backyard football, homemade snowcones, kids running every which direction and tons of laughter. With 11 kids, 12 and under, it was totally crazy, but totally fun. I took over 12 gb of photos today but for now, here’s just one of the whole bunch….
Tomorrow is filled with mini sessions, can’t wait!!
Your two boys at the ends, sure dont look happy! Was it a grumpy day for the toddler and almost teenager?
But they are a “fine bunch of yahoos”! …..and you have no idea how long it took us to get all of them seated. We do this every time we get them all together. They have to sit in birth order and everytime we hear “do I have to sit here?” “I do (or don’t) want to sit by him/her”…”do we HAVE to do this?”…”are we done yet?” We all had a blast today but THE GEE is verrrrry exhausted!
Everyone is adorable, but those two red-headed cuties in the middle are little hams. I can tell.