So I’ve been really bad about not sharing more than sneak peeks from sessions since (cough couch) October. I’ve said so many times I will come back and feature those sessions and just haven’t found the time yet. And then I put off featuring the ones I’ve had recently cause I haven’t done the other ones….enter vicious cycle. I’ve decided to add it to my workflow, as I place orders with the lab and package everything up to go out to my clients, I vow to come back and share more favorites from the sessions. There are so many images I love that I don’t share and there just isn’t enough room on my website for them all….starting today….put your feet up and get ready for lots of sharing!
One of the cutest little families in Austin. I was supposed to photograph the birth of this little beauty last summer and it didn’t work out, but man oh man am I happy I got to meet up with them for her 6 month photos….I LOVE this age, so happy, so immobile. They showed up ready to relax and have a good time, love that. I’m pretty sure they hold the Life in Motion Photography record for fastest placed order at just under 12 minutes and 20 seconds with a “that was easy, we’ll take them all!” LOL!
showing a little daddy love….
mommy’s turn!
I could sit and listen to this momma talk all day long….she has the coolest accent ever.
FAVE FAVE FAVE! I don’t know a mother out there that hasn’t felt just like this, love that I captured it. Pure joy!
I already posted this one in their sneak peek, but I love it so much here it is again! It’s already been posted on the front page of my website too! 😉
love this one too!
This was such a fun and easy session, I can’t wait to meet up with them again in a few months.
Thanks for stopping by and I’ll be posting more session images as I work through packaging up more orders this week!
I just ADORE these tutu pictures!! So amazingly gorgeous! Great job:)
You wouldn’t know that I’ve been one of your biggest fans for a couple of years because I’m also one of your quiet fans. But the bw tutu & the red door pics, I’m just jaw-dropping in love with. I’m so happy that you are going to share MORE. I can’t get enough.
oh i love the last picture.
I also love love love the last picture, I just LOVE red! Hey, do you know where that skirt came from? Is it the same one you took a few days ago of Taryn in? Where did that one come from? My lil love needs a tutu!
lyndsay, the colors are just gorgeous… as is the cute little family! loved looking at all the pics!
I love your sight! I love the last picture. The red is beautiful!
your blog is just wonderful! I am very new to photography and am always blown away by photographers like yourself. I will be back again! That little girl is just darling!
As I said in a previous email to you Lyndsay: when I first saw these photos I wondered for a split second how my 4-month-old son would look in a tutu.
You are seriously making me want to have a baby just so I can fly down to Austin to have a session with you!! Ok, well, maybe I’ll just bring my cousin’s twins due in July…unless you want to come to Chicago!