1. Alright, my little blog break is officially over. I’m back! So here we go…..
2. In spite of my last two blog posts, I do actually feed my child things other than cupcakes and cake. Swear.
3. My mom’s visit was great, it was so nice to have her here for Teagan’s birthday. Of course, it ended too soon. I am so, so happy to report that Teagan has seen the light and has fallen totally in love with the gee. As in, go right to her, climb up in her lap, big wet smoochies and hugs, in love. Finally.
4. I haven’t had a chance to really dive in to Teagan’s birthday photos yet….after taking a few days off I need to catch up on biz stuff first, but here is one shot of a few of the details for his big day.
More coming soon =)
5. Teagan got a wagon for his birthday. He instantly fell in love with it too. I think this might be my new favorite photo. He has the sweetest little face and I just turn to mush over the way he is looking up at his daddy. I feel the same way about him buddy, the same way.
6. come on mom, whatchawaitinfor???
7. So in January, I thought about doing OPAM (One Project A Month). I was kind of afraid to commit out of fear of failing but since I managed to accomplish both January and February…I guess I’ll go ahead and put it out there. My goal is one project per month in our house, big or small. So far I only have a few months of ideas, so we’ll see where it goes. January was the playroom, that was a biggie. Febuary, a small wall leading into our kitchen. It has high visibility from the living room and I just couldn’t stand the prints hanging there anymore. My idea was to make it a hub of sorts. It includes a place for the mail (we are horrible at paper management in our house), keys, two fabric covered cork boards, an 11×17 calendar to track stuff for the kids, two gallery wraps (images by Michele – love them!) and one large wood letter S. Once Teagan is done with the highchair my plan is to find 3 hanging baskets to line the bottom of the arrangement. I am constantly picking up little things for all three kids (lipgloss, star wars figurines, toys, etc) and delivering them to their rooms. If I had a basket for each one, I could just throw little things in there and empty them once a day. That would rock.
My March OPAM is a boring one….our master bathroom closet. But it needs help, big help.
8. In one of these images he’s looking at me. And the other one he is looking at Ty. I’m just going to pretend it was the other way around lol…..he loves that bahbah
9. I took some video at Teagan’s birthday, if I can figure out how to get it uploaded, I’ll post it this week. Fun stuff!
10. Total snapshot, weird color and it’s not even close to being in focus, but it cracks me up every time I look at it. Funny, funny girl!
Happy Tuesday!
It was a wonderful birthday party and a wonderful visit! I really feel like Teagan “knows” me now and it made my heart so happy that he would come to me and let me hold him. Highlights of the visit: attending Ty’s valentine’s party at school, reading so many stories with T, and watching Teagan devour his cake with such enthusiasm!! Love and miss you all! See you on Mother’s Day!
Love the cork-boards, they looks awesome.
In the first photo, are they little red letter boxes and did you make them?
that wagon is a favorite of our daughter as well. it rocks!
great shots.
the last one is hilarious.
The last one totally makes me laugh at 6am. Thanks so starting out my day right.
Lyndsay, great photos, as always! Love the last one of Taryn!! Question: you had a onesie (I believe) for Taryn that said “Made In Hawaii”… any recollection where you found that? My SIL lives on the Big Island and is expecting her first baby and I thought that would be a fun little happy to send her. Thanks!
Melissa – my mom just bought a onesie and then had it monogrammed! Super easy! And good memory – that was a long time ago!
Hi Lyndsay,
I just discovered your blog. Beautiful work! I love your OPAM idea. Your house pics really inspire me to get organized. I love the 3 basket idea by the way!
Okay, I laughed out loud on the last one! Too funny….love your post, you crack me up!
Ok #5 totally made me well up with tears!! I can’t wait for those faces!!! 😀
P.S. Ty’s cake looks absolutely scrumptious and super cool!!
Did you make Teagan’s birthday hat? It’s so cute!
These were so fun to look at. As your shots always are. I LOVE the one of T looking at daddy in the wagon, priceless. Then I also love the faces he made at you and Ty. This kid has the best personality and it shines through in your pics…. TFS!
New to your blog. Love this project a month idea. I think we will give that a whirl!