So, "technically" I’m not working right now. Buuuuuut, when you get a call with an opportunity to photograph newborn triplets, even if you’re not working and even if morning sickness is totally kicking your butt, the excitement takes over and you do it. I am totally amazed by this family, 4 beautiful children, 3 of them tiny babies only a few weeks old and they have it all under control. I promised a sneak peek and after browsing through them really quick, I think this is my favorite so far…
Thank you to Jamie and Danny for inviting me into your home to photograph your beautiful family, it was an honor!
Oh what cute little babies! We saw some real ones (not triplets though) today while visiting my uncle in the hospital. Makes me want to see mine sooner (5 months yet!)
Love all that hair:)
How sweeeet! I can’t wait to see more…I hope you’ll share! 🙂
Definitely an opportunity you don’t want to pass up!
Absolutely adorable… x3! Your pics are all so amazing, and really bring out the cuteness in everyone you shoot. I’ve been lurking on your blog for awhile now, and am truly inspired by your work.
What sweethearts! The parents are gonna love them!..
wow! how incredibly cute! love the conversion on these! and it definitely takes me back to bringing (only two) my twins home. great job.
All I am going to say is ….