Happy Birthday Mom!!!!!!!
The best mom
The best Gee-Gee
The keeper of snack packs and fun drinks. The best date on date night, every single week. She means fun. Just the best! I have always loved having our birthdays so close to one another. It has always been so much fun to celebrate both days, and 4th of July together. I hope you have a wonderful day Mom, I love you!
(((and I can’t wait to give you your gift!!!)))
Thank you, sweetie! The very best birthday gift I ever received was you. The doctors had told your Dad and I that we would never be able to have a baby. After being married 6 years, I thought I was having some “female problems”, but the doctors office wouldn’t let me make an appointment until I came in for a pregnancy test (no over the counter pg tests in those days!!!). I argued and argued that that was not necessary because I couldn’t get pregnant but they insisted. So I went in took their test and had to wait 3 days (!!!!!) to call back for the results. I called from my desk at work and when the lab tech told me the results were positive, I wouldn’t believe her! I finally said, “are you sure positive means pregnant?” She assured me it did! I called my husband nearly hysterical with excitement. I had to leave work for the rest of the day! Can you believe my husband called MY MOM and told her before I could! I was mad!!! That evening we stopped by my parents house and I arrived at their door with a drink in my hand! (Again, the old days when no one thought anything about stuff like that!!) Well, fast forward 9 months later and I got the daughter I always dreamed of having and I got to bring her home on my birthday! So my best gift EVER was my beautiful daughter who has now given me two additional gifts which I cannot imagine my life without….Tyler and Taryn are the joy in my life and my daughter is my very best friend! I love you, Lyndsay.
Happy Birthday Jane!! I hope you have a great day!
Hey, it’s my mom’s birthday too! Seriously! (and you’re starting to creep me out…kids the same age, both pg with #3, our moms share a birthday;)…) Happy Birthday Lynsday’s mom!