Let me start by saying everyone’s images are fine. A little delayed, but fine.
Busy season. Crunch time. Living on caffeine. Lot and lots of caffeine as a result of very little sleep. I worked until 3 am and woke up just a few hours later to start all over again. I sat at my computer this morning, sending a few invoices, following up on a few things and I leaned over to click the “print” button to print a recipe so I could head out to the grocery store with the kids first thing this am. We have no food, nothing, I HAD to go today, rain or shine. But I missed the print button and spilled an entire venti latte into the keyboard of my laptop. And my external drive containing my backups. With lots of sessions on it that have been proofed but not shipped. Panic. So much work. Even with the RAW files, it would mean reworking every single session, and there are a lot of them. Total panic. I flipped my laptop over and coffee came pouring out of it. Total anxiety. I called Jason in tears….I called Applecare in tears and they told me to rush it to the Genius Bar at the Domain asap. I threw the kids in the car and headed that way. I just felt sick. And when it was finally my turn at the Genius Bar….I got the standard answer….$1350 and they have to send it off for any liquid damage, turnaround 7-10 days. A guy two stools down just got that same answer and left. Not me. I cried. And pleaded and begged and cried some more. The genius said “please don’t cry…..” but I couldn’t help it. It was real and I’m tired and working so hard and throwing every ounce of creativity and love into what I do and being a mom and a wife and no sleep, giving everything in my life a tiny little piece of me and being pulled in different directions and it all just came pouring out right there….exhaustion. And he took mercy on my pitiful self. He whispered “I’ll see what I can do, but I can’t promise anything….” and he picked up my soaking wet, sticky, metal hunk of livelihood and took it to the back. 20 minutes later, everything was saved. SAVED. Well, the work, the proofed images and cards and announcements and templates and everything…..except my laptop. But the files and info, they got off before it fried. I literally wanted to jump over the bar and kiss the Genius. I didn’t, cause that would be weird. But I wanted to. They can transfer it all for me! So I spent all of our Christmas money on a new computer so that I can work, have income, do what I need to do. And that’s ok, we’ll make it work, we always do. Jason and I have been having a hard time. Marriage is difficult. It’s hard. It’s work and not always easy. I feel like sometimes God just likes to make sure I’m paying attention to the things that MATTER…really paying attention, because I’m probably not. I get overwhelmed with being a mom and a business owner and I don’t put him first the way that I should. And I’m thankful for a God that reminds me to pay attention when I need to the most. Even if it’s in the form a latte.
On our way out of the Apple store, two doors down at the Domain, Taryn spots a Starbucks and asks for a little happy….nope, I’m done with Starbucks I say. But she pleads, she’s starving, we were in the Apple store foooooorever. True….the ride home will be long if they are hungry…..so we go in. I buy the kids a hot chocolate and a treat and we head outside to sit by the big bonfire pit. Only it starts to sprinke, so we head to the car. Halfway there, the sky opens and it starts to POUR. Fabulous….cherry on top of my totally craptastic day. We get in the car and I drop Teagan’s hot chocolate and spill it all over the seat of my car. I *almost* had to laugh….really?!?!?! Not 5 seconds later, Taryn starts to scream in the backseat….are you ready for this?…..she dropped her Starbucks cup and it splattered all over the backseat, floorboard, her lets, everything.
Just awesome.
Who says God doesn’t have a sense of humor? And you only thought Starbucks was expensive. Today, it cost me just under $2K. Yes, I feel like a total idiot. And a clutz. And thankful for a genius. And a husband who hugged me in spite of it all. And apologetic to my clients because all their orders will be delayed by at least 2 days. I hope to have my new computer with all the data transferred late tonight or tomorrow, but it will take some time to get things running smoothly again. I will have limited access to the internet via my iphone until then as well as email. Clients you should have each received a phone call or voicemail from me today explaining the situation and the status of your particular order. You WILL have your files in time for the holidays, digital downloads will be sent as necessary. Thanks for your patience.
Oh, hugs, hugs and more hugs are being sent to you! I hope your day went a little better and that tomorrow will be gigantically better!!!
OH L~ I so feel your pain. Last summer… in a hurry like we are and scattered like we are always too…. i DRIVE OVER MY laptop!
when i felt the “bump”, I stopped breathing…. CRYING so hard.
Life was over… but I recovered, barely 🙂 I am thinkin about you though and if I lived near you, I would come and steal you up tonight and treat you to a margarita. 🙂 feel better.
p.s. i like your tag 😉
God has a way of bringing our attention back around to him. We become so self sufficient at times and caught up in ourselves and our lives that we lose our grasp of the big picture. Yes God has a sense of humor and as horrible as your day is, I’m glad you can find it in yourself to laugh. God has blessed you with such passion and talent with photography but he is also using you to be an example to not only your children but to those who follow your work. Shine brightest for Him! God bless you and good luck these next few weeks as you push through the Christmas rush 🙂
Oh, L, I’m so sorry you had such a crappy day! Sending a giant hug your way.
wow! that is a craptastic day indeed! one day you’ll be able to look back and laugh, right? i’m so glad the genius was able to save you. god bless steve job and his minions.
Oh my! sounds like you had one of those days!I’m sorry! I hope things look up for you soon 🙂
So sorry you’re having such a craptastic day. 🙁
Hugs! I hope you can take the rest of the evening for some r and r, time with Jase, and pick up again tomorrow. You need a breather! Take care.
I have had a rough 6mths!! lost 5 employees in 3 mths the last one right at the beginning of xmas sessions. I am HOPELESSLY behind..my laptop fried with all i mean ALL my sessions at the time on it…no backups. yada yada i guess in my long winded way..im saying hang in there….ur brillant..ur work is ah- mazing and it sounds like u have a great family too!!! Merry Xmas…and BREATH!! 🙂
What a nightmare! I hope the rest of your day shaped up, and I’m so glad for the kind genius on your behalf!
Lyndsay, sorry you had such an awful day!! Please let me know if I can help out in any way!!! I can come help you package or respond to emails, whatever you need, I’m an email or a text away! I’m serious.
I just can’t imagine Lyndsay… Just reading the first part of your post, the part where you were telling about how tired you are and how the holiday season is just sucking the life out of you (that’s my translation)… Well, it brought me to tears because I could have written the same words. I’m going on empty myself. And then to read about what happened. I have no words that will make you feel any better except to say that I will pray for you. I hope this short break will also help you to refuel a bit. So very sorry Lyndsay.
OMG you poor thing. I am sending you tons of vibes and shudders, and more hugs. I am so sorry you had such a crappy day!!
I sit here almost in tears…because I can totally relate. I’m simply exhausted and still much to do. I absolutely love what I do, but it can be overwhelming this time of year. Most of all, I hate that I feel like I am totally neglecting my family.
Hope your day got better…one good way to look at it…if I didn’t have a computer for a night, I’d be able to sit with my family and enjoy the evening off. Ahhh…hopefully that will come in about 3 weeks.
A fellow photog…Hattiesburg, MS
Oh, Lyndsay! How terrible for you! Feeling the same sometimes and I know God will get my attention. I almost always have my morning cup of coffee while doing something at my computer and I always think about this scenario. I’m so sorry it really did happen to you, but it does sound like everything will be fine. It is terribly difficult balancing out the commitments of life and doing it well is nearly impossible. Saying a little prayer for you tonight that things will be better. 🙂
i think we’re all where you are… the exhaustion, the pulling, the stretching, the caffeine… but minus the MASSIVE expense you just had to endure. And I can’t believe you had the kids with you the whole time! OMG. I can’t imagine. Actually, I almost can as this morning my FORTY FOUR OUNCE mnt dew tipped over on my laptop but THANK GOD I had drank most of it and nothing spilled! Hoping you patient clients, good sleep and happy kids tomorrow! 🙂
That just sucks. You need a day off! With J! *hugs*
Oh my, that *is* a sucky day! So glad to hear that you were able to have your work saved, I couldn’t imagine losing all that:( I hope tomorrow is much better for you and that you can get caught up soon!
Oh honey! I have so been there! (Mine is tea though…) My heart went out to you a 100 times during this post.
Wishing you lots of sleep tonight. Waiting for the files will at least allow for that.
Love and peace to you!!! (and you know what…a cup of coffee to!)
I’m ready to give up coffee as a show of solidarity. 😉 Poor thing.
I’m SO glad your files were saved. My stomach turned at the very thought of losing it all. (((hugs))) I’m praying you find a window of downtime to renew. 🙂
Oh…I feel your pain..no, I have not had this particular thing happen to me, but our life as photogs is tough at times. I will say a prayer for you tonight…know that you are not alone and other struggle with the same issues with balance. SO glad to hear the files were saved…God is good:)
OH Lyndsay. Oh. Oh. OH. So sad for you right now. I know it seems cliched but if there’s anything I can do to help with your files, get you up and running again, editing…WHATEVER…I’ll do it. Just say (type!) the word. =)
i have read your blog for a little while now & i have never commented before. i just had to after that post because i found myself crying at the genius bar just a couple weeks ago. geniuses are angels. after telling me not to cry, they totally replaced my already very new iphone, that my husband totally sacrificed to get me. i am so sorry this happened to you! i hope things turn around for you soon!
((((((((((((( hugs )))))))))))). that was stressful for me to read! you poor thing. praying you find some downtime! it will all be okay!
Oh, hugs! What a day, and what a reminder of the stress of life/business/family… I hope that you find some downtime soon! (and send some my way too!)
Uhg! What a day! Ok, remember that little issue I had with my mac, the hard drive that crashed? Apple couldn’t save my hard drive after several annoying trips to the Genius bar. I had them pull the drive and found this awesome company, MUCH cheaper than anybody else, and they saved everything. http://www.nationwidedatarecovery.com/ I’ve referred it to a couple other people who have used them. My fiance is an IT Director and he has used it for his company also. Bookmark it incase anything ever happens again that Apple can’t save!
Oh girlie….do I know how you feel!!! I had not one, but two hard drives crash on me within a couple of weeks apart right before the busy season even started. I thought my world had crumbled as well but I survived it and getting back on track as I know you will too! Lot of hugs your way and yes, keep that coffee far far away! lol..
DAMN starbucks! hahah! I hope that tonight and tomorrow went much better. And that is the worst story ever! THANK god for the GENIUS.
Love you clutz. From your friend, clutzy too.
oh Lyndsay, that sounds like an absolutely awful day! So sorry. I’d be swearing off coffee and all its counterparts for the rest of the year! Coke is nice… 😉
p.s. I caught your distaste about where I got my Christmas cards! I do wish I’d gotten ’em from you but I needed too many. Next year, I really hope to get them from you. How much notice do you need?? Where do I find that info on your blog/web site??
Loyal reader over here in New Orleans… wish I could offer you help. I can’t imagine- my heart nearly stopped for you. That’s one REALLY crap-tastic day. It’s also a good reminder to all of us photographers to BACKUP. It’s the busy season, but we must make the time for that. Sending you virtual hugs with a big plate of beignets to make it all better. Best wishes for a smoother end to the season!
Oh hun!! I am so so sorry. Seriously, that is the worst day ever. I cant even imagine. It really sounded like you came out on top by not having a negative or bad attitude. You were truly blessed to have that genius take your computer aside and transfer the info. I hope you write this in a journal somewhere so you can look back years down the road and just laugh 🙂
Wow! What a day! I have to say that I really hate it when He grabs our attention the hard way. But sometimes it’s the only way He can. As moms we have to be so many things to so many different people that we can loose site of what’s important. Every day, every moment is a gift He allows us to have. Thanks for sharing so honestly Lynds. Big hugs and I’m so glad your work was saved Love you!
I read that and my heart just stopped for you.. then I read some more and my heart just ached for you – isit bad that my first thought was I should send her a Starbucks Gift card – then I changed my mind and said maybe Panara bread?
Oh man.. that is a BAD DAY! I am so sorry. Being a start up photos biz, in my first years, I totally understand your troubles. I bought a brand new 17 in MAC this year and dropped it on a hardwood floor only 12 hours after pulling out of the box. About 1000 later I had a new screen and a BIG hit for a new business. I could NEVER imagine dropping coffee on it.. I would be sick! Well, I think it is safe to say that you won’t be drinking any coffee by your new computer! Keep you head up… It is almost Christmas!!!
Oh, I’m so sorry–as I sit here and just cry for/about your day. Once again you have put the whole experience in words that reach out and pull me in… I sincerely hope your day/month goes A LOT better than this day.
Oh, I’m so sorry this happened to you!!! I’m glad they got it recovered at least. It’s good that you can take a deep breath and know that there are bigger things in life than a laptop. You do amazing work, and I’m sure your clients won’t mind waiting a couple more days for it!
Wow! What a day! I’m so sorry you had to go through that. Sometimes I hate it when God decides to need to grab my attention. Usually that means I end up in situations I hate, but ultimately need. Us moms try to be everything for everyone and sometimes we just need a reminder to stop and pay attention. Praying today is a much better day. I so wish I lived closer so I could at least help out with the kiddos!
Love you, and praying today is better!
just saw this, L. Feel better! I know this thought will cheer you up: exactly one year ago today, you photographed the birth of Lucy Etta! Doesn’t that make your heart flutter? At the first sound of waking up today, her big brothers rushed to her crib and serenaded her with the best Happy Birthday I’ve ever seen.
hugs to you!
I think December 1 should go down as “cursed Starbucks, do not enter!”
praying for a smooth transition to the new computer. stress stinks.
That stinks, Lyndsay. I think Santa needs to bring you a spill-proof on-the-go cup for your stocking. Hint Hint!
Lindsay…I could not read this and not send you a ((((((hug)))))).
Bless you. We could never really appreciate all the good things in life if we didn’t get a dose of the less than great days every now and then. Sounds like you got your fill. At some point, be sure to give yourself a little TLC. Hugs and wishes for a brighter tomorrow. 🙂
Yikes !! I’m so sorry the day went so awful… !! I’m glad you were able to save all your files, but the whole ordeal sucked royally… ((huggies))
So sorry something awful had to happen to such a nice person!! I’m thinking a scheduled date night with your hubby might help. Have any friends that could watch the kiddos for you while you and your hubby relax over dinner and talk about things that aren’t work/kid related? Hugs and prayers…..
Once everything gets settled, sign up for Mozy. It will remotely backup all your files from your computer(s) every night while you’re sleeping. I’m a freelance art director and I used to constantly worry about my files….AND especially my family photos. Worry no more!