We had a great day today. I took the day off work and spent some much needed time with my family. The 60 hour work weeks have taken a toll on all of us and it was good to just be with them. This morning we spent some time painting Teagan’s new room. Then this afternoon we went to the Georgetown Square lighting complete with carolers, music, santa & lights. We decided to do a quick photoshoot with the kids in Georgetown before heading to the festivities. I’m not gonna lie. The idea of photographing my three children together….with full force PCS (Photographer Child Syndrome)….well….it makes me feel kind of like this:
Serious. It makes me feel a lot like that. It puts fear in my heart the way photographing a client never could. I have tricks up my sleeve. But my kids know all those tricks. They’ve seen it all, heard it all. And while I photograph them almost daily at home, it’s rare I take them all 3 out together for a group shot. We’ve had other photographers capture our family over the course of the last year but I haven’t taken the 3 of them out all together since last November(eta: scratch that! how could I forget the chaos of our mother’s day shoot?!). A lot of pressure was taken off because Sara took our family photos just a few weeks ago, so we are covered for Christmas pics (thanks again Sara!!). But I wanted a few new shots for the 10 foot frame Jason is building (and almost done with!) for our foyer. I think the group shot eluded me (Teagan was uhmmmm, busy)….but I did get what I needed for the individual shots to go in the new monster frame….
I paid Ty (I’m not ashamed) with the return of his ipod I’ve been holding hostage as a punishment. For the record, I was ready to return it anyway, just don’t tell him that!
I haven’t even opened the group shots yet. Not sure I want to. Not so pretty. I think my favorites, as usual, are the out takes. Teagan was sitting in my little red chair. He was happy being king of the chair….and by the time it was his sister’s turn…he was not happy to be getting up. Let’s just say there was a full blown karate chop and an all out throwdown caught on camera. I’ll be back to share once I’m all caught up on proofing client images and getting holiday orders out…..
i tried to photograph my 4 this morning. my 15 mo old spent the entire time crying and running away. ugh. not pretty at all. i bribe mine too – no shame in that! 🙂
I love those blue doors (they go into Will’s restaurant!!) and have one of Abby there on her 5th birthday. Great captures, you have such adorable kiddos!
GREAT job mama! they are so beautiful! and no – you done good already. I was just about ready to do my group shot and one now has a mark on their cheeks and the other decided to lick his lips and around them to make them super chaffed. lovely. 😉
big hugs to you and your fam.