We’ve been busy today packing and getting ready for vacation.  A week in South Carolina, I can’t wait!

(And if anyone creepy is reading this blog – just know that we have 1) a housesitter  2) a big dog and 3) a great security system.  Just sayin).

I kept trying to pack her suitcase but packing with a 2 year old isn’t easy.  "No No Mommy, I do it."  So….this is what you get when a 2 year old packs…the necessities (barney, diapers and her teddy)…she tried her hardest to get that darned shopping cart in there, but it just wouldn’t fit.  LOL!  I’m not sure how she’s going to survive without her shopping cart for 7 whole days??


Taryn just couldn’t stand to tell her teddy bye bye…



hehe…notice the accessorizing!  This girl loves her bracelets 😉


Ya know, it still seems like we forgot to pack something important…


Much better!  I didn’t even have to put her in there, she got in allllll on her own 😉