We got up at 4 am….man is that early.  Flying with 2 kids is a J.O.B. Two flights, waaaaay too much stuff.  Taryn fussed the entire first flight but did good on the second one.  I thought she might get scared during take off and landing but she did great.  She even let out a few "wwweeeeeeeeeeee" sounds πŸ˜‰ Ty did good, he always does, that kid loves to travel.  I’ve never seen anyone who loves to stay in a hotel as much as Ty does.  He just gets giddy.

Sunrise at the airport in NOLA


My biggest irrational fear is bridges.  Don’t like em.  Never will.  I distracted myself by taking pictures of it – it’s huge and we have to cross it to get to our hotel.  Ugh.


We’re staying at an amazing resort in Charleston.  The view from our balcony.




The hubster checking out the view from the balcony.  Poor guy, he had a long day of patience today traveling with us.


We checked out our room and all crashed for a long nap.  Then off to dinner at Sticky Fingers.


You know your food is gonna be good when they bring you a hand towel instead of a napkin!  LOL!  Hands down, the best ribs I’ve ever had.


We decided to stop at the store on the way back to the hotel.  Turns out Taryn didn’t need to pack her little shopping cart after all!  How cute is this?!?  We didn’t need much so we just let her push around the cart and do all the work for us.  Let’s just say that it only took about 2.5 seconds though for her to turn into a psycho shopper.  She did not want ANYONE to touch her cart, not a single finger!  She’s stop in her tracks and stand there and SCREAM at you until you took your hand off it.  She wanted ZERO help.  It got ugly.  Thankfully there weren’t a lot of people in the store on a Monday night to witness the complete and total meltdown of the psycho shopper every time one of us tried to touch her cart or help her steer.  When it was time to leave it behind.  She and her daddy had to take a few minutes outside to help her calm down and catch her breathe.  There is no reasoning with a 2 year old.  Dra-ma. 


The sign says "Customer in Training" but is should have said "Get out of my way or I’ll run over you!"  It was kind of like trying to heard an angry wildabeast, or at least that’s what I would imagine.  LOL!!


Tomorrow I’m taking the kids across the bay on the water taxi to the Aquarium since Jase has to work.

Oh – if these look all funny – please excuse – I’m proofing in the dark while the kiddos are snoozing!