These have long since been delivered to Becky, but I still wanted to come back and share a few more of sweet Camy and her peeps. Becky is hands down the best nanny that I could ever ask for, she takes amazing care of our kids, they LOVE “a-becky days”. Taryn gets giddy when she finds out Camy is coming over too. She always says “I love her little face”. I couldn’t agree more, cute, cute, cute….
I know there are times when my clients arrive at a location I’ve given them and they think “we must be in the wrong place….THIS can’t be it!?” This was one of those locations but Becky and Andy trusted me. It is an old run down skate ramp building, rough around the edges is putting it nicely. This location was a prime, trust me and it’s going to be great, example 😉
Tee-Hee….this makes me laugh, she posed like this all on her own…funny girl!
These two had no intentions of being in the photos with the exception of a silhouette shot or two, but I forced, coerced, asked nice, did it anyway. It’s not about what you are wearing….it’s about the love. See….
And those silhouette shots worked out pretty well too….faves!
Beck, thanks for always being an amazing source of support, for loving my kids, for enjoying Taryn’s spirit and Teagan’s sweet side. We love ya! Hope you like your photos 🙂
Taryn is right about her cute cute little face! LOVE the
silhouette shots! How great that you found such a great
nanny to help with the little T’s!
What a wonderful surprise to start my day!! 🙂 I absolutely adore these photos, L. I can’t get enough of ’em.. I look at them all. the. time.
And we love you guys too! 🙂 Every last one of ya!
Your silhouettes always inspire me, I’ve actually done one of my daughter and got a canvas of it. It is my most favorite thing ever! Thank you so much for sharing your talent!!
Cute cute cute! Love ’em!