Teagan got a little crazy with the baby food this morning, so once again he needed a mid-day bath. He’s such a blankie boy, loves his lovey. He rubs his little face with it, snuggles with it, it’s the first thing he looks for when he wakes up, gets tired or gets out of his bath. I love it when he pulls it up over his head, it cracks me up when he’s sitting up and all of a sudden, he’s hidden under it, funny boy. I took this after his bath, he was rolling around on the bed, tangled up in his lovey.
He had his 6 month check up this morning. Weighed in just under 17 lbs, still around the 40th percentile according to the growth chart created by formula companies (don’t get me started). But he’s happy and healthy. We opted to put off his shots until next week because he’s been running a low grade fever the last few days. It just seemed unfair to make him feel worse, so we’ll go back next week. He’s such an easy going baby, even when he’s sick and not feeling good. Although he did bust out the bottom lip for our pediatrician today, it was pretty comical.
I hope to have a funny little video ready to upload by tomorrow, stay tuned!
ETA: Ok, I got started, so I thought I’d put this in here too 🙂
Yup, 99% of the charts used in pediatricians offices are provided to them by formula companies. Some even have the formula logo on the actual chart. Ours does. I really, really wish that pedi’s would get smart and chart babies according to how they are fed, I mean geesh, a few free forms really isn’t worth it when you’re talking about an accurate view of how a child is growing!
Now I have NOTHING against formula feeding. Ty had both formula and breastmilk as a matter of fact. My beef is that without an accurate look at how your baby is growing, taking into consideration, how they are fed, it can instill fear and uncertainty into a worrisome mom or dad. So, say a mom goes to the doctor and baby is on the low end of the spectrum on the formula form, and he’s breastfed. How many times do you think a mom leaves that office in fear that her baby isn’t getting enough to eat, leading to “oh wow, I must have a low supply, I better start to supplement”?
Personally, the next time I in, I’ll be taking a breastfed baby growth chart with me. Both for myself to see how Teagan is growing and maybe it will send a message to my pediatrician. I’ve mentioned their charts before, but what bothers me is that a lot of people don’t even realize it, and most pedi’s don’t mention it. Mommas have enough to worry about. For me, rather than putting a lot of stock into where he falls on a chart (of any kind)….does he look healthy, is he happy?
Ok, stepping down off my soap box.
If anyone is interested in a breastfed baby growth chart, you can find some here:
Kellymom.com is by far my absolute favorite breastfeeding resource!
I LOVE this picture!!!
Such a beautiful black and white… did you do a special treatment or just black and white?
nonetheless, I LOVE it!!
He is such a cutie!!!
ps… I have an 18th month old who weighs 18 pounds…. not even on the chart!! She is happy and healthy as well!!!!
How PRECIOUS! That is one to definitely print!! Was he facing some windows or did you use the speedlight?
On another note, I didn’t realize the growth charts were created by formula companies. I’ll have to look into that more. Either way Carter (4 month old..breast-fed) is tipping the chart at 75%. Gabby was always average as a baby at 50%, now only 25% as a 2 year old. But now I wanna know more about these charts and why formula companies are so interested….(sorry, didn’t mean to get you started! 🙂
awwwwwwwwwww, I just love him!!!
There’s a breastfed baby curve out there somewhere- I think Kellymom has it online.
This picture reminds me of the collage work that you were going to do on a HUGE canvas. Have you finished designing that? I can’t wait to see pics of the finished product!
Just beautifull! Your Teagan is adorable.
Yup, 99% of the charts used in pediatricians offices are provided to them by formula companies. Some even have the formula logo on the actual chart. Ours does. I really, really wish that pedi’s would get smart and chart babies according to how they are fed, I mean geesh, a few free forms really isn’t worth it when you’re talking about an accurate view of how a child is growing!
Now I have NOTHING against formula feeding. Ty had both formula and breastmilk as a matter of fact. My beef is that without an accurate look at how your baby is growing, taking into consideration, how they are fed, it can instill fear and uncertainty into a worrisome mom or dad. So, say a mom goes to the doctor and baby is on the low end of the spectrum on the formula form, and he’s breastfed. How many times do you think a mom leaves that office in fear that her baby isn’t getting enough to eat, leading to “oh wow, I must have a low supply, I better start to supplement”?
Personally, the next time I in, I’ll be taking a breastfed baby growth chart with me. Both for myself to see how Teagan is growing and maybe it will send a message to my pediatrician. I’ve mentioned their charts before, but what bothers me is that a lot of people don’t even realize it, and most pedi’s don’t mention it. Mommas have enough to worry about. For me, rather than putting a lot of stock into where he falls on a chart (of any kind)….does he look healthy, is he happy?
Ok, stepping down off my soap box.
If anyone is interested in a breastfed baby growth chart, you can find some here:
Kellymom.com is by far my absolute favorite breastfeeding resource!
I am so with you on this, L. I freaked out so much with my first baby because the dr.’s were always charting his growth like this and he was soooooooooo tiny compared to everyone else.
Wow, I had no idea on the charts! Interesting! I do know that I was way worried about my boy and DID start to supplement. He’s almost 7 and fine, but yeah, lots of needless worries that I wasn’t able to give him what he needed!!
Very interesting, I had no clue about the charts. I breastfed exclusively and I remember being so ticked when my son’s pediatrician kept wanting me to supplement with formula. I refused and I’m so glad I did especially after reading this. Thanks for the info.