The cure for baby fever. The perfect birth control. Photographing my own family. We had plans while my mom was in town to head out for a family session and then go out to dinner. We talked to the kids about being cooperative and being well behaved. Unfortunately, the PCS was at an all time high and the Mother’s Day gift of cooperation soon turned to the gift of frustration. I can honestly say that I was on the verge of tears…..why are my kids so tough? Why is it easier to photograph clients? I’ve totally ruined them with daily “quick” and “one or two here and there” exposure to the camera. Don’t they understand that it would be easier to just have fun and cooperate for 5 minutes instead of sending their mother into a frenzy for almost an hour? Why can I have so much fun photographing other peoples families and dread it with my own? why does ty squint on purpose? Why does taryn constantly say “I’m not doing that“. And Teagan was fast, really fast.
i know there are other photographer mommas out there going “uh-huh, i feel ya girl, i’ve been there”. Next time, I will hire someone! In the end, it was worth it. My poor mom, she had no idea how bad it (PCS) was going to be. She was shocked we got these out of the hour of terror….
this is the look I get when I hold the binky next to my lens. lesson, don’t mess with the binky mom.
Have I mentioned Ty has his first girlfriend? I don’t want to talk about it.
ahhhh, the perfect place to caup-a-squat and ignore my mommy and that big black box of torture attached to her face.
i love this series, so her.
ty caught this one
two of my favorite goobers in the whole world. he’s alllllmost as tall as she is, but not quite.
and my mom did awesome capturing a few of jase and i
two of my boys
i love love love love these! I’m so thankful for my mom. She is creative and fun and very thoughtful, all things I’d hope to be too. She’s one of my biggest cheerleaders and a great shoulder when I need one. But most of all, she’s a great Gee Gee.
and I know I already posted this, but it makes me laugh so much. I love him. Really love him. And this makes me smile….and laugh. This one image alone is worth all the frustration.
I’ll leave you with this….before you say pfffffttttt and think my kids were cooperative, for each of those above, I had at least 100 of these….no kidding!
Anyone wonna photograph them for family pics at Christmas? Lord knows I need some recovery time before I do this again! I am not a total glutton for punishment!
So funny..I feel your pain. My 3 year old has now resorted to “posing” every time I try to take a picture of her and sticks her hand on her hip and shoots her butt out and does some weird face. Gotta love ’em though! The pictures look beautiful…at least you got a few usable ones!
I’m glad you threw in that last one because I was beginning to think you were exaggerating on their moods. Still think you are a bit – they are great photos!
Oh, L, you know I’ve been there (am there). So sorry we couldn’t work out our Mother’s Day photog meet up as planned. We should definitely try to get everyone together for the holiday season for sure! These are great, btw. You’ve reminded me that I really need to get some images of my own mom and her grandkids like this.
P.S. Amry is staring at Teagan.
You have such a GORGEOUS family!!! Hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day! 🙂
Those are beautiful photos! Despite all the frustration, you did a great job. I’d love to photograph your family for Christmas, but I don’t know that you’d like the results. 🙂 If it makes you feel any better, my child doesn’t have PCS, and she’s still massively difficult for me to photograph. I tried to take some shots of her all dressed up in a pettiskirt, and a LOT of my outtakes have Mike in part of the photo, running around the front yard in his pajamas, trying to corral her. 😛
Lovely! thank you for sharing.
I feel your pain!!! What beautiful pictures you were able to get, though! 🙂
Oh – you are so right… I hear ya! I’m just to chicken to get the camera out. I know, like you were with this session, you end up on the verge of tears. But, the keepers of the bunch make it worth it. Nice job, Lyndsay. You’re children are perfection. Oh and you need to post more about Ty… what happened to that boy who is on the verge of being a big boy teen? He’s changed SO MUCH!
Oh Lyndsay, I think they are adorable. I am sorry they were such pills for you. My secret is mini colored marshmallows – kids love those things and will usually corporate to get one. At least you got some good shots for all your pain!
SERIOUSLY – I would totally drive to Austin to trade you a family session!
Oh yes, that’s me every time I try to take “official” photos, the non-snapshot kind, of my kids/family… And it is torture. Absolutely. Sometimes it makes me so sad looking at my client’s photos because I want what I’m capturing for them. I feel like I’m missing out (and my family too).
Having said all that, you did get great shots from this and I’m sure you feel it was absolutely worth it. Little stinkers, aren’t they?
Love the description of the big black box of torture! Hilarious! You did get some GREAT ones, though!
How wonderful your mom was able to share this experience with you. Wonderful shots (and boy-o-boy, are they growing!). Oh, and Ty looks great in the last shot – sure he is thinking “don’t know what their problem is…I never behaved like this…” Thanks for sharing.
So beautiful! You had me giggling at your comments. For all the frustration, you did end up with some great pictures. Love the vibrant green of the trees.
This is all so true… last winter I tried to take a shot of my 3 year old in her dress before going to the Nutcracker. Kuddos to her for being so stubborn, but she would NOT look me – and I tried everything, even threats to take away her toys (shame on me). I remember my wife coming outside and was so surprised at how flustered I’d become. Well, a day later she tried to do the same thing, and had the same result, and she too was so flustered by the experience she was beyond words! So frustrating!
Oh, and these days… somebody has taught her to say “cheese”! And when I find out who it was, there will be blood!
THE PICS ARE AWESOME!! love so many of them, really love that one of you and Jason:) OK, DO TELL, TY HAS A GIRLFRIEND????
Seriously those children are adorable! Great shots!!