I’m going to go ahead and call out my mother-in-law on this one. She was JUST telling stories about how Jason used to do this at Teagan’s age. She was wondering if Teagan had done it yet. And I said “nope”. Well, he must have been listening to her funny story because after a few too many quiet moments this morning, I went looking for my little dude….
As soon as I pulled these up on my computer I had flashbacks of this and this. Different kid, same ornery.
He’s a cute little stinker though isn’t he? I think he knows it.
And how awesome would your day be if you only job was to play with the TP and get in to everything in sight? Livin’ large little dude, you’re livin’ large.
Hes SOO cute!! Love these shots:)
LOL…that’s awesome!!!
At least he’s a little easier to clean up after than that girl of yours. 😉
oh that is awesome. you simple can’t be mad at him. he is just to cute
LOL! Just wait until he’s old enough to figure out how to flush the whole wad down the toilet. And I forgot about Taryn’s incident with the marker. I laughed just as hard this time, as I did the first. You poor thing!
Yes, he is a cute little stinker! I’ve got one that does the exact same thing!
I just LOVE this age!!!
Coming out of lurkdom to say I just found your photography site and blog recently and may I say…I think I love you. ha! Seriously, you have some mad skills and a great sense of humor to boot! And I so totally love the fact that you let your little dude see this through til the end just for the sake of a few good pictures! Awesome…just awesome.
Oh nooo… So Teagan got a bad case of toilet-paper-monsterosity!! I know.. We had a bad case of it.. Somedays we have some relapses…. it makes great cute pictures.. but the paper bill gets hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh!
Lol…love it! I think it’s a rite of passage or something:)
So fun! Carys is always trying to do this, maybe I should just let her???