I have a few clients that have turned friends through the years and I’m so very thankful this amazing family is in that group! I just adore their family. The kids are so much fun to be around and the love they all share just shines. It’s a little ironic that I’m posting this fall session share and we just spent Sunday their house for an egg hunt on Easter! So fun, my kids have been skipping egg hunts for the last few years due to the candy and food allergies, so they were pumped! This year we got together with them an another one of my favorite families to do a food free egg hunt. I even convinced bribed Ty to wear the bunny suit LOL! Don’t let the bribe and smirk fool ya, he loves it. So from fall to Easter, that went fast! Thanks for being such wonderful clients AND such supportive, fun, friends!
ps – sweet Ryan was missing from the photo below, he wasn’t in to the whole bunny thing lol!
Another great family session! And I totally love that last photo. Ty is hilarious!