Ya ever just feel blah? I want to be inspired by something that makes me want to run for my camera. I guess I need to just go pick up my camera and shoot my way out of this feeling. That usually helps.
Anyone wonna share an image that inspires them? Link it here in the comments, I’d love to see. Or post a link to your favorite image at the moment, yours or someone else’s, but be sure to tell me why it moves you. I can’t wait to see what you guys come up with!
Check out: http://weedonphoto.blogspot.com/
I love her stuff…I think she’s somewhere in TX too!
I know you’ll get over the uninspired feeling. I get that a lot…and like you said, picking up the camera helps…it’s just finding the time (and coopertion from a 2 year old!). Hopefully our newborn we’re about to have will give me lots of inspiration π
Actually, I go to Amy Wenzel’s main site to watch her slideshows whenever I’m feeling uninspired. I can’t even pinpoint what about her work inspires me–it just reminds me of why I love photography. Just such vivid life moments caught right there in still form…
Ummm, yes, I have an inspiration site for you – it’s called Life in Motion . . .:)
You ARE my inspiration! π How about a photo project or some sort?
tiba and renee – thank you for the links – both amazing talent!
julia and christy – thanks you guys are too sweet! Maybe a photo project is just what I need!
I love your stuff Lyndsay and have been following you since hearing of your story on the Knot/Nest when Katrina happened. You continue to grow and inspire each and every day.
As for my favorite image at the moment, it has to be the second one posted under the top entry of my blog http://www.lifeisahighwayphotography.blogspot.com/
The true and amazing love this mother and son have for each other was frozen in time and I get goose bumps just looking at it.
if you go to my site, it should be the first picture that begins to scroll. the boys are pulling their parents in the wagon. it made me so happy when i shot and edited it. i want all my family sessions to be super fun and show their true spirit.
this picture of my niece picking her booty in the girlie tutu cracks me up! it’s hanging in my studio as a 16×20 to give me a boost when i’m proofing.
check out the “ice cream” shoot I did the other day on my blog. It will definitely make you want to run get an ice cream cone and whip out the camera! π