Let’s see if I can make it through 10 before one of the kids requires my attention….
1. Teagan does the whole eyebrow scowl thing just like Jason and Taryn. I think he’s pretty funny. Exhibit A:
2. Had a playdate with Alli and Ms. Lily this morning. Taryn has been doing so great potty training that we decided to make it her first official outing without a pullup. She was totally psyched to discover Lily’s new pink princess bathroom! Yeah, it was a huge hit. Too bad Ty and Taryn share a bathroom, I doubt we can convince him to go princess LOL! Oh, and T did great, no accidents and we even went to the grocery store afterwards.
3. Speaking of pink, the obsession is at an all time high. A quick glimpse of her getup this morning on the way out of the house. And no, it wasn’t raining π
4. Only 2 days until my mom gets here. Can’t wait. 3 months is way too long between visits. I can’t wait for her to see Teagan and how much he’s changed.
5. I want to return our new couch. Its too small. Our other one is too big. Neither one fits right. If I can convince Jase to return it, I was thinking I could use it for a few photos first, is that bad?
6. Nursing is difficult. And so different with each child. We can do this. We will.
7. Man it’s crazy how different and how similar they all 3 of my children are. It still amazes me. Motherhood is so humbling. Just when you think you’re getting good at it, whamm-o, one of them throws me a curve ball. I’m not ready for all this tween stuff coming our way with Ty. We’ve had an influx of girls knocking on our door asking for Ty over the last few weeks. I keep running them off, but the keep coming back π
8. In our efforts to go green, my husband has become obsessed with changing out our light bulbs. Its driving me nuts. Our dining room looks like an airport runway all lit up. I often make arm signals to bring in a good landing while serving dinner. Of course, no one thinks this is funny but me. I think its hilarious.
9. I love the way Taryn says "triangle"….tri-gangle. And "rollercoaster"…roller-coater. And "pacifier"…pac-E-fier. And her lyrics to Patty Cake go "patty cake patty cake, big girls man". Hehehe. But most of all I love it when she says "you my girl momma".
10. Ty recently googled the word "fart" at school. Nice huh? Thankfully, his teacher has a sense of humor and thought it was moderately funny. According to my husband, this is something most guys do. Hmmm…who knew? He insisted I do it too and more specifically, look for this. Boys are gross.
10 on Tuesday ROCKS. I hear ya about the light bulbs. I feel like I get a tan in our bathroom.
Man, his expressions crack me up!.. Yay for Taryn on stayin’ dry! Oh my.. from only a level that farting humor can exude from.. The you tube vid was funny.. gotta admit =)
Lol at Taryn’s patty cake lyrics…too funny! And 2 weeks ago my husband came home with a new (energy saving) light bulb for every single light in our home. With that he announced, “We’re going green honey!”. My house is *bright*…first time I’ve wore sunglasses in the house since I was a little kid and playing dress up:)
I had to laugh, my dad was showing these to my 6 year old last week. Yes boys are gross!!!
I had to laugh, my dad was showing these to my 6 year old last week. Yes boys are gross!!!
Taryn is one styling girl! I LOVVVEEEE all that pink. I have this little bit of paranoia that I’ll have a daughter who hates pink, much as I did starting around age seven and lasting until high school.
Yea for Ten on Tuesday!! π The way you feel about sofas I feel about pillows– ugh. Don’t the manufacturers try them out before mass production?
Confession: I just googled “fart” and giggled.
Love your photos!! You are so talented!