I’m going through a neurotic phase with my blogging. Let me explain…..I love linking back to things later when I’m talking about things in a previous post. And I like to have things all in one place. For this reason, I have been posting everyone’s sneak peeks along with their longer blog post once their session is completed and their order is in. So, long story short, please forgive me for showing initial sneak peeks again, I’m just being neuroitic like that. I may get over it as some point, but not today. See….look….here is this little one again. Hope you don’t mind.
I could look at these two all day….and it’s my blog….so here it is again….
how is this for a little holiday cheer? if this doesn’t make you want to sing jingle bells, well then you’re just a scrooge!
Hey look, everyone is smiling!! Score!!
This makes me laugh….when we put Spencer in the highchair out in the field, he was a happy camper. Cooper, oh funny Cooper, he was confused. I think he was waiting for me to bust out the squash. And when I didn’t….I got this:
In retrospect, it was pretty mean to put you in a highchair out in the middle of nowhere and not give you anything to eat. My bad little buddy!
Another fave, love this one too!
C Family, thank you for making the trip allllllll the way out here to see me from New Braunsfels and for braving the mud to get the highchair shots! It was so great to see you all again and I hope you love your photographs!
I love the one of them facing each other in their ties. It does make you think of them 25 years later getting ready for their wedding.
They are all so gorgeous! I told J last night that I think it’s awesome the boys wear shoes with no laces. 🙂
SO CUTE!!! I love the Christmas ones. They are adorable little boys! My favorite is when each parent is lifting one in the air!
the tie shots makes me want to have boys asap. what a beautiful family.
The Santa Babies in the basket made me laugh out loud. What a cute Christmas card that would be!!
Oh I love ALL of these photos. Those boys are double the cuteness! I dont know how Joyco does it day to day with such cuteness overload.