I’m feeling a bit dissed today. Ty’s class is going on a field trip to top off the year. Turns out, I’m not invited. He tells me that if his girlfriend wasn’t assigned to the lane next to him, he’d invite me, but since she is, he can’t. Boo. That’s all I’m gonna say about that.
And as I write this, he’s chatting on the phone with one of his best friend about the girls at school in the other room. When did this happen? How did we get here? Why is he doing this to me? But more importantly, how do I make it stop? What happened to Spiderman and Toy Story? Grubby little hands reaching for me to pick him up, bedtime stories and tight hugs around my neck?
I’m not ready. And he doesn’t even care.
Aw, mom. Sorry ’bout that. But he’ll be back. I promise. Mine’s almost 19. 🙂 They DO come back to their moms. 🙂
Oh no. Poor dear. And I hate to tell you this, but it’s only gonna get worse. However, now that my eldest son is an official adult, his current facebook photo is of him in his Superman suit, age three. Still so cute.
Don’t tell me that! My 9 month old son is already growing up too fast.
This absolutely makes me want to weep!! It all goes by so fast, doesn’t it? My oldest isn’t quite 6 yet, but she’s already got such an attitude and is obsessed with clothes, pop music, and iCarly…and she thinks she needs a boyfriend!! D’oh!
If you figure out a way to slow down the aging process, would you share?!
Please don’t tell me that! You talking about grubby little hands got me a little teary eyed!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaand, thank you for making me cry first thing in the morning! ;-P
Oh – my heart goes out to you. I.dread.this. DREAD IT! I want my boys to be mine forever. Isn’t this not suppose to start until they are like 15? Plan a Mom & Ty day soon. Make him remember you are the #1 ladie in his life! =)