
One would have to wonder if Joyce is feeding Cooper enough.


These make me laugh so much.  I was desperately trying to catch a profile shot of the boys facing each other and Cooper took full advantage of the situation.  And just to prove to you that I do actually take ‘real’ photos in spite of all the silly outtakes that have been making an appearance around here….the ‘real’ shot….


Joyce, looking at this photo I had an instant vision of your boys on the days they will be married, straightening each other tie.  And then I got all weepy thinking about how close they will be, all they have yet to experience and how quickly that will come.  And then I got even more weepy because I realized by then I will be too old and decrepit to capture another image like this.  Then I scrolled back up to Cooper chomping on Spencer and it made me laugh all over again.  I think it’s official folks, I’m loosing it.  But the outtakes are getting me through the craziness.  Thank God for entertaining babies!