I was so excited when one of my favorite families booked a spring session. I first saw them last year when their littlest guy was brand new. That session resulted in one of my favorite mommy/baby photos of all time. Today, again, we battled the wind but we got some great shots. Just two faves for now….can you believe how big the boys have gotten?!
That little newborn grew into a little boy, he just celebrated his first birthday. I love love love how he growls when he smiles and gets excited, cracked me up, so funny! Little boys rock. Happy Birthday little man….
N & R, it was so much fun to see you guys tonight, I always love spending time with your beautiful family =)
First of all, wow you’re FAST! Can’t believe how quickly you got these beautiful photos up!
Secondly, wow!! I LOVE THEM!!! LOVE THEM!! You sure know how to make our Big Boy smile! And our baby in bluebonnets is priceless!! Thank you so much Lyndsay! Gorgeous as always!!
Such handsome little fellas. Love them!
Love them! (The pictures & the family!)
Wow, wow, wow! Great pics and beautiful family. Love ’em!
beautiful! those faces are perfection!